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Research during the past century has demonstrated that the composition of seawater is essentially uniform and that the relative proportions of the various ions are practically constant. In the open ocean the salinity (approximately the total weight of dissolved solids per kilogram) averages about 35 parts per thousand, but may rise to 40 parts per thousand in regions such as the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, where rainfall and inflow are low and evaporation high. Sodium chloride is the dominant compound of the salts in solution and comprises about three-quarters of the whole; the remainder consists largely of chlorides and sulfates of magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

Though many data on minor and trace elements in seawater (Table) are available, the interpretation of these data is subject to some uncertainties. The concentrations of these elements are probably more variable than for the major elements and may depend to some degree on the sampling location. This is particularly true for the elements that are utilized by marine organisms. Phosphorus is a good example; it is markedly depleted in surface and near-surface waters by biological activity, but it enriches the deeper parts of the ocean through the dissolution of dead organisms. Silica is brought into the ocean in large amounts in solution in river water, but most of it is soon removed to become the skeletal material of diatoms, radiolaria, and sponges.

Seawater also contains dissolved gases in variable amounts. Seawater of normal salinity at 0° C (32° F) in equilibrium with the atmosphere will contain about eight millilitres per litre of dissolved oxygen and 14 millilitres per litre of dissolved nitrogen. Dissolved nitrogen is essentially an inert constituent, but dissolved oxygen plays a fundamental role in the growth and decay of organisms and so varies greatly in concentration from place to place. In stagnant regions that are rich in decaying organic matter the water may be completely depleted in free oxygen, and a considerable concentration of hydrogen sulfide may be present. Much of the Black Sea below a depth of a few hundred metres is in this condition.

Another dissolved gas of prime importance for biological activity is carbon dioxide. The conditions controlling its concentration are quite complex, however, because in solution it can be present as free carbon dioxide, as undissociated carbonic acid, as carbonate ions, and as bicarbonate ions. The concentration of these ions will also be affected by biological activity and by the precipitation or dissolution of calcium carbonate.

Circulation of water through the hydrosphere

The circulation of water through the hydrosphere is controlled in large part by the reservoir effect of the oceans. Evaporation from the ocean surface is precipitated as rainfall. Of that falling on the land, some is directly re-evaporated, some is absorbed into the reservoir of groundwater, and some flows off directly into rivers and streams. The total annual rainfall on the Earth is estimated to be 123 × 1018 grams, and the total annual runoff to the oceans 32 × 1018 grams.

Even the purest rainfall contains some material in solution, not only dissolved gases but also nonvolatile material. Rainfall near seacoasts always contains some sodium chloride and small amounts of other marine salts, the concentration of which falls off generally with distance from the ocean. Rainfall in industrial regions may of course contain a variety of pollutants; in many areas it is essentially a dilute sulfuric acid solution. Such material may also be carried far beyond the place of origin; acid rainfall in the Scandinavian countries probably originates in part from England and Germany.

The runoff from the land contains additional material in solution, picked up during its circulation through the crustal rocks. River water averages about 120 parts per million dissolved solids, but the range is great, from about 10 parts per million up to several thousand parts per million. Commonly, the range is from 50 to 200 parts per million; contents greater than 200 parts per million are usually the result of human activities or of drainage from soils containing soluble salts, as in desert regions.

With an average content of 120 parts per million dissolved matter, the rivers of the world deliver 3.9 × 109 tons of material in solution to the sea each year. The average concentration of the important constituents (in parts per million) is: bicarbonate, 58.4; sulfate, 11.2; chloride, 7.8; nitrate, 1.0; calcium, 15.0; magnesium, 4.1; sodium, 6.3; potassium, 2.3; iron, 0.67; and silica, 13.1. Although these ten constituents account for most of the dissolved material, many other elements have been detected in river and lake waters.

Geochemical balance of seawater over time

The 3.9 × 109 tons carried annually in solution to the oceans are but a small fraction of the total amount of material in solution in the oceans. Nevertheless, when integrated over the whole of geological time, more than 4 × 109 years, it greatly exceeds the present material in solution. Some of the material, especially sodium chloride, is of course cyclical, being circulated from the oceans to the land as aerosols and incorporated in marine sedimentary rocks and ultimately in large part being returned to the oceans in runoff.

Goldschmidt made an interesting calculation on the geochemical balance in seawater. From the amount and composition of sedimentary rocks he estimated that erosion during geological time had amounted to about 160 kilograms of igneous rock per square centimetre of the Earth’s surface. Combining this figure with the amount of seawater per square centimetre, 273 kilograms, he derived a figure of 600 grams of igneous rock eroded per kilogram of seawater. Assuming this 600 grams had gone fully into solution (obviously a gross simplification but a limiting one), he drew up a balance sheet between the amounts of different elements potentially supplied to the oceans and the amounts actually present. Some of these figures are presented in the Table. Despite the imperfections of the method, the results are certainly significant in a qualitative sense. Some elements—chlorine, bromine, boron, and sulfur—are present in seawater in amounts far in excess of those that can have been derived by erosion. The source of these “superabundant” elements has probably been volcanism and related magmatic activity. Halides, sulfates, and borates are deposited by volcanic gases and carried in solution in hot springs. The relative depletion of fluorine with respect to chlorine in seawater can be ascribed to the precipitation of highly insoluble fluorine-bearing compounds, mainly apatite (calcium fluophosphate). Sodium clearly remains in solution to a much greater extent than potassium; the latter element reacts with sedimentary materials to form insoluble potassium-bearing silicates such as illite and glauconite, which have no sodium-bearing analogs. Calcium is removed from solution much more effectively than strontium, evidently because it is utilized by organisms. Goldschmidt pointed out that many highly poisonous elements, such as arsenic and selenium, have been potentially supplied in dangerous amounts. Their concentration remains very low, however, presumably because of efficient processes of removal as insoluble compounds. Adsorption on colloidal particles of clay and iron oxides is a likely process.

Geochemical balance of some elements in seawater
element potential amount supplied to oceans (g/ton) amount present in seawater (g/ton) percentage in solution
lithium 39  0.17 0.4
boron 4.5 250 
fluorine 540  1.3 0.2
sodium 16,980  10,800  64 
magnesium 12,540  1,290  10 
phosphorus 708  0.09 0.01
sulfur 312  904  290 
chlorine 188  19,400  10,300 
potassium 15,540  392  2.5
calcium 21,780  411  1.9
arsenic 0.003 0.1
bromine 0.97 67  6,900 
rubidium 186  0.12 0.06
strontium 180  8.1 4.6
iodine 0.18 0.06 33 
cesium 0.0003 0.008
barium 150  0.02 0.01

The geological and geochemical evidence indicates that the ocean waters are, and have been for a long time, in a steady state of essentially unchanging composition. The addition of material by runoff from the land is adjusted by reactions within the ocean waters or between the ocean waters and sedimentary materials whereby the concentrations of the individual elements remain essentially constant. How far back in geological time this steady state has persisted remains something of an open question. The existence of most forms of marine life from the Cambrian to the present indicates a uniformity of marine conditions over the past 600,000,000 years; how far back into the Precambrian this uniformity extended is more difficult to elucidate. The earlier discussion of Precambrian iron formations suggested the possibility of very different atmospheric composition some 2,000,000,000 years ago, and the considerable interdependence of atmospheric and oceanic composition indicates that this might have resulted in marked geochemical differences in the ocean waters.
