
state of matter
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Also known as: gaseous state

gas, one of the three fundamental states of matter, with distinctly different properties from the liquid and solid states.


The remarkable feature of gases is that they appear to have no structure at all. They have neither a definite size nor shape, whereas ordinary solids have both a definite size and a definite shape, and liquids have a definite size, or volume, even though they adapt their shape to that of the container in which they are placed. Gases will completely fill any closed container; their properties depend on the volume of a container but not on its shape.

Kinetic-molecular picture

Gases nevertheless do have a structure of sorts on a molecular scale. They consist of a vast number of molecules moving chaotically in all directions and colliding with one another and with the walls of their container. Beyond this, there is no structure—the molecules are distributed essentially randomly in space, traveling in arbitrary directions at speeds that are distributed randomly about an average determined by the gas temperature. The pressure exerted by a gas is the result of the innumerable impacts of the molecules on the container walls and appears steady to human senses because so many collisions occur each second on all sections of the walls. More subtle properties such as heat conductivity, viscosity (resistance to flow), and diffusion are attributed to the molecules themselves carrying the mechanical quantities of energy, momentum, and mass, respectively. These are called transport properties, and the rate of transport is dominated by the collisions between molecules, which force their trajectories into tortuous shapes. The molecular collisions are in turn controlled by the forces between the molecules and are described by the laws of mechanics.

Thus, gases are treated as a large collection of tiny particles subject to the laws of physics. Their properties are attributed primarily to the motion of the molecules and can be explained by the kinetic theory of gases. It is not obvious that this should be the case, and for many years a static picture of gases was instead espoused, in which the pressure, for instance, was attributed to repulsive forces between essentially stationary particles pushing on the container walls. How the kinetic-molecular picture finally came to be universally accepted is a fascinating piece of scientific history and is discussed briefly below in the section Kinetic theory of gases. Any theory of gas behaviour based on this kinetic model must also be a statistical one because of the enormous numbers of particles involved. The kinetic theory of gases is now a classical part of statistical physics and is indeed a sort of miniature display case for many of the fundamental concepts and methods of science. Such important modern concepts as distribution functions, cross sections, microscopic reversibility, and time-reversal invariance have their historical roots in kinetic theory, as does the entire atomistic view of matter.

Numerical magnitudes

Model of a molecule. Atom, Biology, Molecular Structure, Science, Science and Technology. Homepage 2010  arts and entertainment, history and society
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When considering various physical phenomena, it is helpful for one to have some idea of the numerical magnitudes involved. In particular, there are several characteristics whose values should be known, at least within an order of magnitude (a factor of 10), in order for one to obtain a clear idea of the nature of gaseous molecules. These features include the size, average speed, and intermolecular separation at ordinary temperatures and pressures. In addition, other important considerations are how many collisions a typical molecule makes in one second under these conditions and how far such a typical molecule travels before colliding with another molecule. It has been established that molecules have sizes on the order of a few angstrom units (1 Å = 10−8 centimetre [cm]) and that there are about 6 × 1023 molecules in one mole, which is defined as the amount of a substance whose mass in grams is equal to its molecular weight (e.g., 1 mole of water, H2O, is 18.0152 grams). With this knowledge, one could calculate at least some of the gas values. It is interesting to see how the answers could be estimated from simple observations and then to compare the results to the accepted values that are based on more precise measurements and theories.

Intermolecular separation and average speed

One of the easiest properties to work out is the average distance between molecules compared to their diameter; water will be used here for this purpose. Consider 1 gram of H2O at 100° C and atmospheric pressure, which are the normal boiling point conditions. The liquid occupies a volume of 1.04 cubic centimetres (cm3); once converted to steam it occupies a volume of 1.67 × 103 cm3. Thus, the average volume occupied by one molecule in the gas is larger than the corresponding volume occupied in the liquid by a factor of 1.67 × 103/1.04, or about 1,600. Since volume varies as the cube of distance, the ratio of the mean separation distance in the gas to that in the liquid is roughly equal to the cube root of 1,600, or about 12. If the molecules in the liquid are considered to be touching each other, the ratio of the intermolecular separation to the molecular diameter in ordinary gases is on the order of 10 under ordinary conditions. It should be noted that the actual separation and diameter cannot be determined in this way; only their ratio can be calculated.

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It is also relatively simple to estimate the average speed of gas molecules. Consider a sound wave in a gas, which is just the propagation of a small pressure disturbance. If pressure is attributed to molecular impacts on a test surface, then surely a pressure disturbance cannot travel faster than the molecules themselves. In other words, the average molecular speed in a gas should be somewhat greater than the speed of sound in the gas. The speed of sound in air at ordinary temperatures is about 330 metres per second (m/s), so the molecular speed will be estimated here to be somewhat greater, say, about 5 × 104 centimetres per second (cm/s). This value depends on the particular gas and the temperature, but it will be sufficient for the kind of estimates sought here.

Mean-free path and collision rate

The average molecular speed, along with an observed rate of the diffusion of gases, can be used to estimate the length and tortuosity of the path traveled by a typical molecule. If a bottle of ammonia is opened in a closed room, at least a few minutes pass before the ammonia can be detected at a distance of just one metre. (Ammonia, NH3, is a gas; the familiar bottle of “ammonia” typically seen is actually a solution of the gas in water.) Yet, if the ammonia molecules traveled directly to an observer at a speed somewhat faster than that of sound, the odour should be detectable in only a few milliseconds. The explanation for the discrepancy is that the ammonia molecules collide with many air molecules, and their paths are greatly distorted as a result. For a quantitative estimate of the diffusion time, a more controlled system must be considered, because even gentle stray air currents in a closed room greatly speed up the spreading of the ammonia. To eliminate the effect of such air currents, a closed tube—say, a glass tube one centimetre in diameter and one metre in length—can be used. A small amount of ammonia gas is released at one end, and both ends are then closed. In order to measure how long it takes for the ammonia to travel to the other end, a piece of moist red litmus paper might be used as a detector; it will turn blue when the ammonia reaches it. This process takes quite a long time—about several hours—because diffusion occurs at such a slow rate. In this case, the time will be taken to be approximately 3 hours, or roughly 104 seconds (s). During this time interval, a typical ammonia molecule actually travels a distance of (5 × 104 cm/s)(104 s) = 5 × 108 cm = 5,000 kilometres (km), roughly the distance across the United States. In other words, such a molecule travels a total distance of five million metres in order to progress a net distance of only one metre.

The solution to a basic statistical problem can be used to estimate the number of collisions such a typical diffusing molecule experienced (N) and the average distance traveled between collisions (l), called the mean free path. The product of N and l must equal the total distance traveled—i.e., Nl = 5 × 108 cm. This distance can be thought of as a chain 5,000 km long, made up of N links, each of length l. The statistical question then is as follows: If such a chain is randomly jumbled, how far apart will its ends be on the average? This end-to-end distance corresponds to the length of the diffusion tube (one metre). This is a venerable statistical problem that recurs in many applications. One of the more vivid ways of illustrating the concept is known as the “drunkard’s walk.” In this scenario a drunkard takes steps of length l but, because of inebriation, takes them in random directions. After N steps, how far will he be from his starting point? The answer is that his progress is proportional not to N but to N1/2. For example, if the drunkard takes four steps, each of length l, he will end up at a distance of 2l from his starting point. Gas molecules move in three dimensions, whereas the drunkard moves in two dimensions; however, the result is the same. Thus, the square root of N multiplied by the length of the mean free path equals the length of the diffusion tube: N1/2l = 102 cm. From the equations for Nl and N1/2l, it can readily be calculated that N = 2.5 × 1013 collisions and l = 2.0 × 10-5 cm. The mean time between collisions, τ, is found by dividing the time of the diffusion experiment by the number of collisions during that time: τ = (104)/(2.5 × 1013) = 4 × 10-10 seconds between collisions, corresponding to a collision frequency of 2.5 × 109 collisions per second. It is thus understandable that gases appear to be continuous fluids on ordinary scales of time and distance.
