

Learn about this topic in these articles:

cephalopod anatomy

  • blue-ringed octopus
    In cephalopod: Form and function

    …and nautiloids, it constitutes a cranium. Various other skeletal supports are found at the base of the fins and in the “neck,” gills, and arms.

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development of face

  • In face

    While brain and braincase (cranium) tripled in volume, the jaws became shorter and the teeth simpler in form and smaller in size. In consequence, the face receded beneath the forehead. Thus, the modern human face exhibits an essentially vertical profile, in marked contrast to the protruding facial muzzle of…

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  • In echoencephalography

    …for detecting abnormalities within the cranial cavity, based on the reflection of high-frequency sound pulses delivered to the head through a probe held firmly to the scalp. The reflected pulses from the skin, brain ventricle, skull, and other head structures are recorded and amplified with a cathode-ray oscilloscope, giving a…

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eye infection

    In eye disease: Inflammatory conditions of the orbit

    …infection may spread into the cranial cavity via the pathways of the cranial nerves that reach the eye through the posterior orbit. Infections can also spread to the cranial cavity by way of the blood vessels that lie within the orbit. Prompt administration of appropriate antibiotics in most cases eliminates…

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human skeleton

  • human skull
    In skull

    The human cranium, the part that contains the brain, is globular and relatively large in comparison with the face. In most other animals the facial portion of the skull, including the upper teeth and the nose, is larger than the cranium. In humans the skull is supported…

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  • human skeletal system
    In human skeleton: The cranium

    The cranium—the part of the skull that encloses the brain—is sometimes called the braincase, but its intimate relation to the sense organs for sight, sound, smell, and taste and to other structures makes such a designation somewhat misleading.

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