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  • major reference
    • animal cell
      In cell: Cell differentiation

      Adult organisms are composed of a number of distinct cell types. Cells are organized into tissues, each of which typically contains a small number of cell types and is devoted to a specific physiological function. For example, the epithelial tissue lining the small intestine…

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  • association with birth defects
    • In congenital disorder: Dysplasia

      …abnormalities of tissue development or differentiation. They include tumours of single or mixed tissue types, potentially affecting any part of the body, with a risk of malignant transformation. Most are sporadic, but some are dominantly inherited. In many dysplasias the gene mutations are patchy and require loss of the normal…

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  • epigenetics
    • DNA wraps around proteins called histones to form units known as nucleosomes. These units condense into a chromatin fibre, which condenses further to form a chromosome. Epigenetics studies have revealed that chemical modifications to histones can be inherited and define how the information in genes is expressed and used by cells.
      In epigenetics: Impact of epigenetics on biomedicine

      …animals but also enable the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells (cells having the potential to become any of many different kinds of cells). In other words, epigenetic changes allow cells that all share the same DNA and are ultimately derived from one fertilized egg to become specialized—for example, as liver…

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occurrence in

    • biological development
      • In biological development: Differentiation

        Differentiation is simply the process of becoming different. If, in connection with biological development, morphogenesis is set aside as a component for separate consideration, there are two distinct types of differentiation. In the first type, a part of a developing system will change in…

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    • integumentary system formation
      • types of fish scales
        In integument: Embryology and evolution

        Differentiation of embryonic tissues proceeds rapidly during the early course of development, and much of what will become adult skin structures—including the glands and appendages—is laid down before the animal is born, often in a latent stage, to resume development later.

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    • plant cells
      • fern life cycle
        In plant development: The contribution of cells and tissues

        …shape is a form of cell differentiation, the term in the more general sense refers to a change in function, usually accompanied by specialization and the loss of the capacity for further division. Biochemical differentiation often involves a change in the character of the cell organelles—as when a generalized potential…

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    • prenatal development
      • human fetus; prenatal development
        In prenatal development: Growth and differentiation

        In a developing organism, differentiation implies increasing structural and functional complexity. One kind of differentiation concerns changes in gross shape and organization. Such activities, related to molding the body and its integral parts into form and pattern, comprise the processes called morphogenesis. The processes of morphogenesis are relatively simple…

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    theory of

      • genetics
        • biology; microscope
          In biology: Tissues and organs

          …a deeper understanding of biological differentiation, particularly of the factors that control differentiation. Crucial to those studies was the development in the late 20th century of tissue culture methods that allowed for the growth of mammalian embryonic stem cells—and ultimately human embryonic stem cells—on culture plates.

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      • zoology
        • blue wildebeests
          In zoology: Embryology, or developmental studies

          …into biology the interpretation that undifferentiated materials gradually become specialized, in an orderly way, into adult structures. Although this epigenetic process is now accepted as characterizing the general nature of development in both plants and animals, many questions remain to be solved. The French physician Marie François Xavier Bichat declared…

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