
plant anatomy

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  • In cortex

    …a cell layer called the endodermis. The cell walls of the endodermis possess a woody and corky band, called the casparian strip, around all the cell walls except those facing toward the axis and the surface of the root or stem. The endodermis with its casparian strips may function in…

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  • watercress seedling
    In root: Morphology and growth

    …layer of cells, called the endodermis, which regulates the flow of materials between the cortex and the vascular tissues.

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  • snake gourd flower
    In angiosperm: Roots

    The endodermis (the innermost layer of the cortex adjacent to the pericycle) is composed of closely packed cells that have within their walls Casparian strips, water-impermeable deposits of suberin that regulate water and mineral uptake by the roots. The cortex is surrounded by the dermal system…

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function in pteridophytes

  • Aleutian maidenhair fern
    In lower vascular plant: Cells of the vascular system

    …living cells just within the endodermis), and an outer layer of cells with specialized walls, the endodermis. Endodermal cells in young stems are provided with special strips of secondary wall material known as Casparian strips on their radial walls (i.e., on all the cell walls except the two that face…

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root structure

  • fern life cycle
    In plant development: The root tip

    An internal protective band, the endodermis, becomes conspicuous as a single sheath of cells surrounding the procambium. The phloem procambium, recognizable by its narrow cells, begins to differentiate in the lower part of the region of elongation. The xylem also becomes distinct, the thickenings appearing first in the upper part…

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  • giant sequoias
    In tree: General features of the tree body

    …comprises thick-walled wall cells called endodermal cells.

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