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  • growth and development
    • In induction

      …is the development of the eye lens from epidermis under influence of the eye cup, which grows toward the skin from the brain. As the eye cup comes into contact with any neighbouring epidermis, it transforms that particular region into a lens. The exact nature of the stimulus for lens…

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    • embryos of different animals
      In animal development: The eye

      As has been pointed out, the rudiments of the eyes develop from optic vesicles, each of which remains connected to the brain by an eye stalk, which later serves as the pathway for the optic nerve. The optic vesicles extend laterally until they reach…

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  • life and convergent evolution
    • African elephants
      In life: Convergence

      The eye, a light receptor that makes an image, has evolved independently more than two dozen times not only in animals on Earth but in protists such as the dinomastigote Erythropsodinium. Apparently eyelike structures best solve the problem of visual recording. Where physics or chemistry establishes…

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  • pineal gland similarities

anatomy of


    • garden spider
      In arachnid: Nervous system and sense organs

      The number of simple eyes found on the carapace varies. Scorpions, for example, may have as many as five pairs of simple eyes on the sides of the carapace in addition to a median pair, while daddy longlegs have only median eyes, and many cryptic or cave-dwelling species have…

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    • scorpions
      • scorpion
        In scorpion: Internal features

        Their eyes cannot form sharp images, but their central eyes are among the most sensitive to light in the animal kingdom. Evidently they can navigate at night by using shadows cast by starlight. Lateral eyes (ocelli) sense only changes in light intensity and are used to…

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    • spiders
      • lynx spider
        In spider: Nervous system and senses

        The simple eyes of spiders, which number eight or less, consist of two groups, the main or direct eyes (called the anterior medians) and the secondary eyes, which include anterior laterals, posterior laterals, and posterior medians. Structures called rhabdoms, which receive light rays, face the lenses in…

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      • apterygotes
        • Dipluran (Japygidae)
          In apterygote: Head

          The diplurans lack eyes and sense organs, while the Zygentoma have simple lateral eyes and are hypognathous. Archaeognatha have both large compound eyes and ocelli. Monurans had large compound eyes. Mouthparts are important taxonomically in primitive wingless hexapods. Movable mouthparts are generally recognized as walking limbs that were…

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      • dragonflies
        • Male jewelwing damselfly (Calopteryx splendens).
          In Odonata: Basic structure

          …vision, and the large compound eyes, acutely responsive to movement and form, play an important role in capturing food and interacting with other individuals. In most dragonflies (suborder Anisoptera) the compound eyes meet at the top of the head and can consist of 30,000 individual optical units, or ommatidia. Their…

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      • flies
        • housefly
          In dipteran: Eyes

          The eyes of flies often occupy most of the surface of the head, especially in males, where the eyes may meet in the middle line (holoptic). In female flies, with few exceptions, the eyes do not meet (dichoptic). In some families, notably robber flies…

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      • Hymenoptera
        • bumblebee
          In hymenopteran: External structure

          The compound eyes (i.e., consisting of many mosaic-like facets) are large. There are usually three ocelli, or simple eyes, arranged in a triangle on the top of the head. The antennae vary greatly in form. Rarely are they shorter than the head is wide. Usually they are…

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        • bumblebee
          In hymenopteran: Optical

          …has been demonstrated that the eye of the bee is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation but is blind to red light. White flowers, which only partially reflect ultraviolet as a rule, appear coloured to a bee. Certain colour combinations, while invisible to the human eye, are not only visible but also…

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      • sucking insects
        • cicada
          In homopteran: Head

          …a pair of large compound eyes, but in certain male scale insects three pairs of eyes are present. Simple eyes or ocelli usually occur on the head and probably function as organs of light perception. Cicadas normally have three, while other homopterans have two or none. Vision is variable among…

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        • bats
          • Livingstone's fruit bat
            In bat: Senses

            In fact, the eyes in the Microchiroptera are small and have not been well studied. Among the Megachiroptera the eyes are large, but vision has been studied in detail only in flying foxes. These bats are able to make visual discriminations at lower light levels than humans can.…

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          • Livingstone's fruit bat
            In bat: Senses

            In folklore, bats have been considered to be blind. In fact, the eyes in the Microchiroptera are small and have not been well studied. Among the Megachiroptera the eyes are large, but vision has been studied in detail only in flying foxes. These bats…

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        • cats
          • Margay (Leopardus wiedii).
            In feline: Form and function

            Their large eyes are especially adapted for seeing at night. The retina has a layer of guanine called the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light and causes the eyes to shine at night when illuminated. Cats have good senses of sight and hearing, but their sense of smell…

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        • horses
          • Standardbred gelding
            In horse: Senses

            The extremely large eyes placed far back on the elongated head admirably suit the horse for its chief mode of defense: flight. Its long neck and high-set eyes, which register a much wider range than do the eyes of a human being, enable the horse to discern a…

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        • Insectivora
          • Common Eurasian shrew (Sorex araneus).
            In insectivore: Natural history

            Vision is poor; eyes are small, degenerate, or covered with skin in solenodons, shrews, moles, and golden moles. Although the eyes are larger in hedgehogs, the moonrat, gymnures, and tenrecs, they are still smaller than in other orders of living mammals. Hearing is acute. Insectivores vocalize by hisses…

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        • marine mammals
          • auditory mechanisms in insects
            In sound reception: Echolocation in other mammals

            …when submerged, and apparently their eyes remain fairly serviceable when their heads are out of water. Dolphins can be trained to strike targets or leap over obstacles held several feet above the surface of the water. For many tasks, however, they use echolocation very effectively, such as when catching fish…

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        • tarsiers
          • tarsier
            In tarsier

            …information from the large goggling eyes, the animal’s most striking feature. The size of the eyes and visual cortex is probably made necessary by the absence of a reflective layer (tapetum) that the eyes of most other nocturnal mammals possess. The tarsier is also unusual in having especially long ankle…

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          • cephalopods
            • blue-ringed octopus
              In cephalopod: Form and function

              …organs of the cephalopods are eyes, rhinophores (olfactory organs), statocysts (organs of equilibrium), and tactile organs. In Nautilus the eyes are open pits without lenses. In the Coleoidea the eyes are complex and approach those of some lower vertebrates in efficiency.

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            • neuron; conduction of the action potential
              In nervous system: Complex mollusks

              The eyes of cephalopods are especially well developed and bear close resemblance to the vertebrate eye. The eye fits into a socket of cartilaginous plates separate from the cartilages that protect the brain, and external muscles permit its movement. A transparent cornea covers the surface and…

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          • giant squids
            • In giant squid

              The eye diameter of the giant squid, which measures up to 27 cm (10.6 inches), is among the largest of all living animals; it is second only to that of the colossal squid. Such large eyes are thought to have given the giant squid and the…

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          • scallops
            • neuron; conduction of the action potential
              In nervous system: Simple mollusks

              …the scallop, for example, the eyes are set in a row. They are well developed and consist of a cornea, a lens, and a retina, in which the photoreceptor cells are not placed superficially (an arrangement much like that in the vertebrate retina).

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          • amphibians
            • banded fire salamander (Salamandra terrestris)
              In amphibian: Common features

              The eye of the modern amphibian (or lissamphibian) has a lid, associated glands, and ducts. It also has muscles that allow its accommodation within or on top of the head, depth perception, and true colour vision. These adaptations are regarded as the first evolutionary improvements in…

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            • In Caudata: Nervous system and sense organs

              The eyes, usually large and well developed, are reduced and nearly lost in some cave-dwelling species. Vision is especially important in terrestrial foraging, because the projection of the tongue is guided visually. Certain parts of the inner ear are large and well developed. Hearing mechanisms of…

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          • birds
            • Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis).
              In falconiform: Vision, hearing, and smell

              The eyes move little in their sockets. To see behind itself, therefore, a falconiform must rotate its head. Forward vision is binocular through 35–50° of arc. The proverbially high resolving power of hawks’ eyes depends partly on a large image being focused on the retina and…

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            • great horned owl
              In owl: Form and function

              …to accommodate the exceptionally large eyes. The eyes are elongated forward, and each is encased in a tube made up of joined bony elements. Virtually immobile, the eye is rigidly encased. Remarkable flexibility of the neck compensates for the fixed position of the eyes; an owl can turn its head…

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            • Bumblebee on honeysuckle
              In pollination: Birds

              …the sensitivity of the bird’s eye is greatest in the middle and red part of the spectrum. This is sometimes ascribed to the presence in the retina of orange-red drops of oil, which together may act as a light filter.

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          • crustaceans
            • In branchiopod: The nervous system

              …conspicuous sense organs are the eyes. In the anostracans the eyes are on movable stalks, while in the notostracans the paired eyes lie close together on top of the head. In the other living branchiopods the eyes join together to form a single more or less spherical eye in the…

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          • reptiles
            • painted turtle (Chrysemys picta)
              In reptile: Sight

              In general construction the eyes of reptiles are like those of other vertebrates. Accommodation for near vision in all living reptiles except snakes is accomplished by pressure being exerted on the lens by the surrounding muscular ring (ciliary body), which thus makes the lens more spherical. In snakes the…

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            • timber rattlesnake
              In snake: Skull and sense organs

              The eye of the snake is lidless and covered by a transparent cap of epidermis, which is shed with the rest of the skin at each molt. Animals active during the day usually have round pupils, while the nocturnal species have a vertical or slit pupil…

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            • estuarine crocodile, or saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus)
              In crocodile: Form and function

              …many nocturnal animals, crocodiles have eyes with vertical, slit-shaped pupils; these narrow in bright light and widen in darkness, thus controlling the amount of light that enters. On the back wall of the eye, the tapetum lucidum reflects incoming light, thus utilizing the small amount of light available at night…

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          • vertebrate ocular muscles
            • striated muscle; human biceps muscle
              In muscle: Jawed fishes

              …is the set of six eye muscles derived from the three pre-otic somites (those anterior to the ear region of the embryo). The rectus muscles move the eyes about the longitudinal axis of the body, that is, superiorly (upward) or inferiorly (downward), or about a vertical axis, in other words,…

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            • movement
              • In movement perception: Visual cues to movement

                The eye is by far the most effective organ for sensing movement. Some animals are especially sensitive to visual stimuli that move in specific ways. For instance, electrical patterns from the eye of a frog show that some elements in the organ respond only when the…

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            • photoreception
              • details of the mammalian eye
                In photoreception: Evolution of eyes

                The soft-bodied animals that inhabited the world’s seas before the Cambrian explosion (about 541 million years ago) undoubtedly had eyes, probably similar to the pigment-pit eyes of flatworms today. However, there is no fossil evidence to support the presence of eyes in the

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              • details of the mammalian eye
                In photoreception: Diversity of eyes

                The eyes of animals are diverse not only in size and shape but also in the ways in which they function. For example, the eyes of fish from the deep sea often show variations on the basic spherical design of the eye. In these…

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