genetic expression

Also known as: gene expression

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  • DNA wraps around proteins called histones to form units known as nucleosomes. These units condense into a chromatin fibre, which condenses further to form a chromosome. Epigenetics studies have revealed that chemical modifications to histones can be inherited and define how the information in genes is expressed and used by cells.
    In epigenetics: Types of epigenetic modifications

    …certain histone modifications distinguish actively expressed regions of the genome from regions that are not highly expressed. These modifications may correlate with chromosome banding patterns generated by staining procedures common in karyotype analyses. Similarly, specific histone modifications may distinguish actively expressed genes from genes that are poised for expression or…

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  • Carolus Linnaeus.
    In heredity: Regulation of gene expression

    Not all genes in a cell are active in protein production at any given time. Gene action can be switched on or off in response to the cell’s stage of development and external environment. In multicellular organisms, different kinds of cells express different…

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