giant planet

Also known as: Jovian planet

Learn about this topic in these articles:

classification of planets

  • solar system to scale
    In planet: Planets of the solar system

    …Jupiter to Neptune are called giant planets or Jovian planets. Between these two main groups is a belt of numerous small bodies called asteroids. After Ceres and other larger asteroids were discovered in the early 19th century, the bodies in this class were also referred to as minor planets or…

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  • solar system
    In solar system: Planets and their moons

    …also called the Jovian, or giant, planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—are large objects with densities less than 2 grams per cubic cm; they are composed primarily of hydrogen and helium (Jupiter and Saturn) or of ice, rock, hydrogen, and helium (Uranus and Neptune). The dwarf planet Pluto is unique—an icy,…

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extrasolar planets

  • HD 209458b
    In extrasolar planet: Detection of extrasolar planets

    …upper atmospheres of some close-in giant planets. The first detected transiting planet was HD 209458b in 1999. Both radial velocity and transit techniques are most sensitive to large planets orbiting close to their stars.

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  • HD 209458b
    In extrasolar planet: Physical properties

    The free-floating giant planets had a different history in that they were probably formed in circumstellar disks but were ejected from their solar systems through gravitational interactions.

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  • In 51 Pegasi b

    …first known “hot Jupiter,” a gas giant planet orbiting very close to its star. Such planets upended then-current ideas of planetary system formation, which were based on the solar system, in which gas giants orbit far from the Sun. The hot Jupiters likely formed far from their stars and migrated…

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extraterrestrial life

  • Planet TOI 700e
    In extraterrestrial life: Jovian planets

    The atmosphere of Jupiter is composed of hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia, some neon, and water vapor. These are exactly the gases used in experiments that simulate the early Earth. Laboratory and computer experiments have been performed on the application of

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  • solar system
    In solar system: Differentiation into inner and outer planets

    …systems, many of which contain giant planets orbiting very close to their stars. (See below Studies of other solar systems.) Another has been the unexpected finding from the Galileo spacecraft mission that Jupiter’s atmosphere is enriched with volatile substances such as argon and molecular nitrogen (see Jupiter:

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  • solar system
    In solar system: Studies of other solar systems

    …many discoveries were systems comprising giant planets the size of several Jupiters orbiting their stars at distances closer than that of the planet Mercury to the Sun. Totally different from Earth’s solar system, they appeared to violate a basic tenet of the formation process discussed above—that giant planets must form…

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  • Astronaut outside the International Space Station
    In space exploration: Solar system exploration

    The four outer giant gas planets are roughly similar in size and chemical composition, but each has a set of moons that differ widely in their characteristics, and in some ways they and their satellites resemble miniature solar systems. The four rocky inner planets had a common origin…

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