
Also known as: adjustor cell, internuncial nerve cell

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  • human sensory reception
    • sensory reception
      In human sensory reception: Basic features of sensory structures

      …types of second-order neurons called internuncial cells, which, in turn, synapse with third-order neurons called bipolar cells—all still in the retina. The bipolar-cell axons extend afferently beyond the retina, leaving the eyeball to form the optic nerve, which enters the brain to make further synaptic connections. If this visual system…

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  • spinal cord
    • human spinal cord
      In spinal cord

      …bodies, unmyelinated motor-neuron fibres, and interneurons connecting the two sides of the cord. Gray-matter cells form projections called horns. Fibres exiting the spinal cord from the dorsal and ventral horns join in paired tracts to form the spinal nerves. Information travels up the ascending tracts of neurons and is sorted…

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function in nervous system

  • neuron; conduction of the action potential
    In nervous system: Nervous systems

    …to an adjustor, called an interneuron. (All neurons are capable of conducting an impulse, which is a brief change in the electrical charge on the cell membrane. Such an impulse can be transmitted, without loss in strength, many times along an axon until the message, or input, reaches another neuron,…

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  • nervous system
    In human nervous system: Cellular laminae

    …the spinal gray matter contain interneurons, which connect various cell groups. Many interneurons have short axons distributed locally, but some have axons that extend for several spinal segments. Some interneurons may modulate or change the character of signals, while others play key roles in transmission and in patterned reflexes.

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  • nervous system
    In human nervous system: Enteric nervous system

    … neurons are recognized: sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. Sensory neurons, activated by either mechanical or chemical stimulation of the innermost surface of the gut, transmit information to interneurons located within the Auerbach and the Meissner plexi, and the interneurons relay the information to motor neurons. Motor neurons in turn…

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  • basal ganglia
    • In basal ganglia: Neurochemicals

      …also contains several types of interneurons (neurons that connect sensory and motor circuits) and some of the highest levels in the brain of the neurochemicals dopamine and acetylcholine. Collectively, these substances modulate the way in which excitatory inputs are processed and contribute to the final output from the striatum.

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  • reflex arc
    • In reflex arc

      …consists of the receptor, an interneuron (or adjustor), and an effector; together, these units form a functional group. Sensory cells carry input from the receptor (afferent impulses) to a central interneuron, which makes contact with a motor neuron. The motor neuron carries efferent impulses to the effector, which produces the…

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