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human dentition

  • adult molar
    In tooth: Tooth form and function

    …incisors, two canines, and four molars in each jaw. The primary molars are replaced in the adult dentition by the premolars, or bicuspid teeth. The 12 adult molars of the permanent dentition erupt (emerge from the gums) behind the primary teeth and do not replace any of these, giving a…

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  • Western gray kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus).
    In kangaroo: Dentition

    The four permanent molars on each side of both jaws erupt in sequence from front to back and move forward in the jaw, eventually being pushed out at the front. Thus, an old kangaroo may have only the last two molars in place, the first two (and the…

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  • West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus)
    In manatee: Form and function

    …silica, manatees constantly grow new molars. These teeth progress from the rear of the jaws forward as older, worn teeth drop out at the front of the mouth. Unlike almost all other mammals, tooth replacement occurs throughout life.

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