objective function


Learn about this topic in these articles:

linear programming

  • In linear programming

    …the linear expression (called the objective function)subject to a set of constraints expressed as inequalities:

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operations research

  • job shop sequencing problem
    In operations research: Linear programming

    …a mathematical expression called an objective function. The objective function and the constraints placed upon the problem must be deterministic and able to be expressed in linear form. These restrictions limit the number of problems that can be handled directly, but since the introduction of linear programming in the late…

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optimization problems

  • optimization problem
    In optimization

    …stochastic programming, in which the objective function or the constraints depend on random variables, so that the optimum is found in some “expected,” or probabilistic, sense; network optimization, which involves optimization of some property of a flow through a network, such as the maximization of the amount of material that…

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