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  • speech
    • language
      In language: Speech production

      …a rise in perceived vocal pitch. Speech in which voice is completely excluded is called whispering.

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    • left hemisphere of the brain
      In speech: Brain functions

      …harmonic frequencies and sounds with pitch, which characterize human speech and music.

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    • left hemisphere of the brain
      In speech: Extrinsic muscles

      …chief mechanism for raising the pitch of the sound generated and thus for the differentiation of vocal registers (e.g., chest voice, falsetto). For embryologic reasons, the cricothyroid is the only laryngeal muscle that has its own nerve supply from the superior laryngeal nerve, a high branch of the vagus nerve…

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    • fish hearing
      • auditory mechanisms in insects
        In sound reception: Auditory sensitivity of fishes

        …distinguish between tones of different frequencies is of special interest. Two studies dealing with this problem have shown that the frequency change just detectable is about four cycles for a tone of 50 hertz and increases regularly, slowly at first, then more rapidly as the frequency is raised.

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    • human hearing
      • human ear
        In human ear: The physiology of hearing

        …such as its loudness and pitch, by detecting and analyzing different physical characteristics of the waves. Pitch is the perception of the frequency of sound waves—i.e., the number of wavelengths that pass a fixed point in a unit of time. Frequency is usually measured in cycles per second, or hertz.…

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      • human ear
        In human ear: Analysis of sound by the auditory nervous system

        In general, the pitch of a sound tends to be coded in terms of which neurons are responding, and its loudness is determined by the rate of response and the total number of neurons activated.

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    • sound waves
    • space perception
      • The Cyclopean system of projection. The images of the points F, A, and B on the two retinas are transposed to the retina of a hypothetical eye midway between the two.
        In space perception: Auditory cues

        Changes in pitch also function as depth cues. For example, when a moving object (such as a train or an automobile) emits sound waves (say, from its horn), the pitch of the sound seems to rise when the object is approaching the perceiver, but it seems to…

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