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  • major reference
    • Luxor, Egypt: feluccas on Nile River
      In river: Sediment yield and sediment load

      All of the water that reaches a stream and its tributaries carries sediment eroded from the entire area drained by it. The total amount of erosional debris exported from such a drainage basin is its sediment yield. Sediment yield is…

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  • iron content of carbonaceous sediments
    • iron
      In iron: Occurrence, uses, and properties

      … rocks in Greenland and carbonaceous sediments in the United States (Missouri) and as a low-nickel meteoric iron (5–7 percent nickel), kamacite. Nickel-iron, a native alloy, occurs in terrestrial deposits (21–64 percent iron, 77–34 percent nickel) and in meteorites as taenite (62–75 percent iron, 37–24 percent nickel). (For mineralogical properties of

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  • Tertiary Period
  • Triassic Period
    • Triassic paleogeography
      In Triassic Period: Continental deposits

      Continental sediments dominated by red beds (that is, sandstones and shales of red colour) and evaporites accumulated on land throughout the Triassic Period. The Bunter and the Keuper Marl of Germany and the New Red Sandstone of Britain are examples of such red beds north of…

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    • Arctic Ocean
      • Arctic Ocean
        In Arctic Ocean: Origin

        The sediments of the Arctic Ocean floor record the natural of the physical environment, climate, and ecosystems on time scales determined by the ability to sample them through coring and at resolutions determined by the rates of deposition. Of the hundreds of sediment corings taken, only…

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    • Bay of Bengal
      • Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal
        In Bay of Bengal: Bottom deposits

        Sediments in the Bay of Bengal are dominated by terrigenous deposits from the rivers, derived mainly from the Indian subcontinent and from the Himalayas. Calcareous clays and oozes are found near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and atop the Ninetyeast Ridge. The amount of organic…

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    • clay minerals
      • sheet structure of silica tetrahedrons
        In clay mineral: Recent sediments

        Sediment accumulating under nonmarine conditions may have any clay mineral composition. In the Mississippi River system, for example, smectite, illite, and kaolinite are the major components in the upper Mississippi and Arkansas rivers, whereas chlorite, kaolinite, and illite are the major components in the…

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    • coastal landforms
    • geosynclines
      • In geosyncline

        … within which vast amounts of sediment accumulate. The filling of a geosyncline with thousands or tens of thousands of feet of sediment is accompanied in the late stages of deposition by folding, crumpling, and faulting of the deposits. Intrusion of crystalline igneous rock and regional uplift along the axis of…

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    • glacial streams
      • Perito Moreno Glacier
        In glacier: Glacier hydrology

        …streams are characterized by high sediment concentrations. The sediment ranges from boulders to a distinctive fine-grained material called rock flour, or glacier flour, which is colloidal in size (often less than one micrometre in diameter). The suspended sediment concentration decreases with distance from the glacier, but the rock-flour component may…

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    • lakes
      • Lake Ann in North Cascades National Park, Washington
        In lake: Sediments and sedimentation

        Lake sediments are comprised mainly of clastic material (sediment of clay, silt, and sand sizes), organic debris, chemical precipitates, or combinations of these. The relative abundance of each depends upon the nature of the local drainage basin, the climate, and the relative age of a lake.…

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    • outwash deposits
    • Persian Gulf
      • The Persian Gulf.
        In Persian Gulf: Physiography

        These sediments are thrown up by the waves to form coastal islands that enclose lagoons. The high salinities and temperatures result in the precipitation of calcium sulfate and sodium chloride to form extensive coastal salt flats (sebkhas).

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    • river systems
      • Luxor, Egypt: feluccas on Nile River
        In river

        Their rate of sediment delivery is equivalent to an average lowering of the lands by 30 centimetres (12 inches) in 9,000 years, a rate that is sufficient to remove all the existing continental relief in 25,000,000 years.

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      • Luxor, Egypt: feluccas on Nile River
        In river: Deposits and stratigraphy

        …indicates that a river delivers sediment to the shore faster and in greater volume than marine processes can remove the load. During the delta-building process, sediment is distributed in such a way that the feature develops a unique form. Under normal discharge conditions, sediment remains within the channel until it…

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      • Luxor, Egypt: feluccas on Nile River
        In river: Sedimentation in estuaries

        The bedrock floor near the mouth of most estuaries is usually buried by a thick accumulation of sediment. The texture and composition of sediment in estuaries in the United States is known to be a function of river basin geology, bathymetry, and…

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    • shale
      • chemistry of sedimentary rocks
        In sedimentary rock: Origin of shales

        The formation of fine-grained sediments generally requires weak transporting currents and a quiet depositional basin. Water is the common transporting medium, but ice-rafted glacial flour (silt produced by glacial grinding) is a major component in high-latitude oceanic muds, and windblown dust is prominent, particularly in the open ocean at…

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    • turbidity currents
      • density current: descent to the ocean floor
        In density current: Turbidity currents

        …contain higher amounts of suspended sediments than the surrounding water. Such density currents, called turbidity currents, are believed to form when the accumulation of sediments on continental shelves becomes unstable as a result of an underwater landslide or earthquake. Once set into motion, the mixture of water and sediment falls…

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    • water pollution
      • groundwater pollution
        In water pollution: Sediment

        Sediment (e.g., silt) resulting from soil erosion or construction activity can be carried into water bodies by surface runoff. Suspended sediment interferes with the penetration of sunlight and upsets the ecological balance of a body of water. Also, it can disrupt the reproductive cycles of…

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    formation of

      • fossil fuels
        • petroleum traps
          In petroleum: Origin in source beds

          Accumulating sediments can provide energy to the migration system. Primary migration may be initiated during compaction as a result of the pressure of overlying sediments. Continued burial causes clay to become dehydrated by the removal of water molecules that were loosely combined with the clay minerals.…

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        • bituminous coal
          In coal: Peat

          …a restricted supply of incoming sediments that would interrupt peat formation. In such areas the water may become quite stagnant (except for a few rivers traversing the swamp), and plant material can continue to accumulate. Microorganisms attack the plant material and convert it to peat. Very close to the surface…

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      • sand dunes
        • sand dunes
          In sand dune: Sands

          …bed forms where silt is deposited, for instance as sheets of loess. Particles coarser than sands, such as small pebbles, only form dunelike features when there are strong and persistent winds, as in coastal Peru, and these coarse-grained features are generally known as granule ripples rather than dunes. Larger particles,…

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      • sedimentary rock
        • chemistry of sedimentary rocks
          In sedimentary rock

          …eventually to be deposited as sediment. Any unconsolidated deposit of solid weathered material constitutes sediment. It can form as the result of deposition of grains from moving bodies of water or wind, from the melting of glacial ice, and from the downslope slumping (sliding) of rock and soil masses in…

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