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As stated at the beginning of this article, soils evolve under the action of biological, climatic, geologic, and topographic influences. The evolution of soils and their properties is called soil formation, and pedologists have identified five fundamental soil formation processes that influence soil properties. These five “state factors” are parent material, topography, climate, organisms, and time.

Parent material

Parent material is the initial state of the solid matter making up a soil. It can consist of consolidated rocks, and it can also include unconsolidated deposits such as river alluvium, lake or marine sediments, glacial tills, loess (silt-sized, wind-deposited particles), volcanic ash, and organic matter (such as accumulations in swamps or bogs). Parent materials influence soil formation through their mineralogical composition, their texture, and their stratification (occurrence in layers). Dark-coloured ferromagnesian (iron- and magnesium-containing) rocks, for example, can produce soils with a high content of iron compounds and of clay minerals in the kaolin or smectite groups, whereas light-coloured siliceous (silica-containing) rocks tend to produce soils that are low in iron compounds and that contain clay minerals in the illite or vermiculite groups. The coarse texture of granitic rocks leads to a coarse, loamy soil texture and promotes the development of E horizons (the leached lower regions of the topmost soil layer). The fine texture of basaltic rocks, on the other hand, yields soils with a loam or clay-loam texture and hinders the development of E horizons. Because water percolates to greater depths and drains more easily through soils with coarse texture, clearly defined E horizons tend to develop more fully on coarse parent material.

In theory, parent material is either freshly exposed solid matter (for example, volcanic ash immediately after ejection) or deep-lying geologic material that is isolated from atmospheric water and organisms. In practice, parent materials can be deposited continually by wind, water, or volcanoes and can be altered from their initial, isolated state, thereby making identification difficult. If a single parent material can be established for an entire soil profile, the soil is termed monogenetic; otherwise, it is polygenetic. An example of polygenetic soils are soils that form on sedimentary rocks or unconsolidated water- or wind-deposited materials. These so-called stratified parent materials can yield soils with intermixed geologic layering and soil horizons—as occurs in southeastern England, where soils forming atop chalk bedrock layers are themselves overlain by soil layers formed on both loess and clay materials that have been modified by dissolution of the chalk below.

Adjacent soils frequently exhibit different profile characteristics because of differing parent materials. These differing soil areas are called lithosequences, and they fall into two general types. Continuous lithosequences have parent materials whose properties vary gradually along a transect, the prototypical example being soils formed on loess deposits at increasing distances downwind from their alluvial source. Areas of such deposits in the central United States or China show systematic decreases in particle size and rate of deposition with increasing distance from the source. As a result, they also show increases in clay content and in the extent of profile development from weathering of the loess particles.

By contrast, discontinuous lithosequences arise from abrupt changes in parent material. A simple example might be one soil formed on schist (a silicate-containing metamorphic rock rich in mica) juxtaposed with a soil formed on serpentine (a ferromagnesian metamorphic rock rich in olivine). More subtle discontinuous lithosequences, such as those on glacial tills, show systematic variation of mineralogical composition or of texture in unconsolidated parent materials.


Topography, when considered as a soil-forming factor, includes the following: the geologic structural characteristics of elevation above mean sea level, aspect (the compass orientation of a landform), slope configuration (i.e., either convex or concave), and relative position on a slope (that is, from the toe to the summit). Topography influences the way the hydrologic cycle affects earth material, principally with respect to runoff processes and evapotranspiration. Precipitation may run off the land surface, causing soil erosion, or it may percolate into soil profiles and become part of subsurface runoff, which eventually makes its way into the stream system. Erosive runoff is most likely on a convex slope just below the summit, whereas lateral subsurface runoff tends to cause an accumulation of soluble or suspended matter near the toeslope. The conversion of precipitation into evapotranspiration is favoured by lower elevation and an equatorially facing aspect.

Adjacent soils that show differing profile characteristics reflecting the influence of local topography are called toposequences. As a general rule, soil profiles on the convex upper slopes in a toposequence are more shallow and have less distinct subsurface horizons than soils at the summit or on lower, concave-upward slopes. Organic matter content tends to increase from the summit down to the toeslope, as do clay content and the concentrations of soluble compounds.

Often the dominant effect of topography is on subsurface runoff (or drainage). In humid temperate regions, well-drained soil profiles near a summit can have thick E horizons (the leached layers) overlying well-developed clay-rich Bt horizons, while poorly drained profiles near a toeslope can have thick A horizons overlying extensive Bg horizons (lower layers whose pale colour signals stagnation under water-saturated conditions). In humid tropical regions with dry seasons, these profile characteristics give way to less distinct horizons, with accumulation of silica, manganese, and iron near the toeslope, whereas in semiarid regions soils near the toeslope have accumulations of the soluble salts sodium chloride or calcium sulfate.

These general conclusions are tempered by the fact that topography is susceptible to great changes over time. Soil erosion by water or wind removes A horizons and exposes B horizons to weathering. Major portions of entire soil profiles can move downslope suddenly by the combined action of water and gravity. Catastrophic natural events, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and devastating storms, can have obvious consequences for the instability of geomorphologic patterns.
