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Pollution can be described as a nutrient or substance that is out of place. More specifically, however, it is the addition of any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or any form of energy (such as heat, sound, or radioactivity) to the environment at a rate faster than it can be dispersed, diluted, decomposed, recycled, or stored in some harmless form.
Although most of the nutrients or substances that contribute to air, land, and water pollution are limited to a single environment, air, land, and water do interact with one another.
Air pollution results when the by-product of an activity makes chemicals airborne.
Close to Earth’s surface, sulfur dioxide (SO2) interacts with the water cycle in the atmosphere to produce acid rain or other forms of acid deposition downwind.
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) in vehicle exhaust and sunlight combine to form photochemical smog.
Further aloft, carbon dioxide and methane, which are largely by-products of burning wood, oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels, help to enhance the atmosphere’s ability to retain heat emitted from Earth’s surface, which contributes to the phenomenon known as global warming.
In the upper atmosphere, chlorofluorocarbons (that is, CFCs) and similar chemical compounds have contributed to the destruction of Earth’s ozone layer until relatively recently.
Land pollution often contributes to water pollution as nutrients and substances from polluted sites seep into the groundwater or run off into lakes and rivers before reaching the oceans.
Hydraulic fracturing, which is used to recover natural gas and oil from the ground, releases some of these hydrocarbons into the surrounding rock, which can then seep into the groundwater. With groundwater being a source of potable water for many people, groundwater contamination is a serious issue.
Pesticides, along with nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural fertilizers, run off of croplands and into waterways, where they affect the aquatic and marine food chains. Pesticides poison insects, fish, and the animals that eat them. Nitrogenous and phosphorus fertilizers “feed” algae and other aquatic plants, which cause larger-than-normal blooms. When these plants die, they can use up most or all of the dissolved oxygen, which results in fish kills and the deaths of other animals.
Toxic materials from petroleum spills and other chemical releases can damage the surrounding soil, seep into the groundwater, and run off into waterways.
Plastic pollution is the addition of plastic waste to the landscape and waterways. It is caused by manufactured plastics that are not properly disposed of. It is a problem because plastic does not break down easily, the chemical additives in plastic may become endocrine disruptors, plastic waste flows downstream into rivers and oceans (sea life can ingest, choke on, or become trapped in plastic waste), and plastic is a source of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are suspected carcinogens.
Noise pollution is unwanted or excessive sound that affects health and environmental quality. It is caused by machines and engines associated with industry, as well as airports and other transportation systems. Noise is problematic because it can cause physical damage to hearing organs in humans and other animals, it produces increased stress levels, and it disrupts ecosystems by driving certain species away and altering the habits of wildlife. Noise pollution occurs primarily on land located close to industry and transportation and at sea, where it emanates from ship engines and sonar.
Light pollution is unwanted or excessive light caused by streetlights and illuminated buildings, towers, and other structures. Light pollution changes nighttime visibility of natural features, disorienting migratory animals and fostering bird collisions with lighted towers and buildings.
Thermal pollution is the addition of heat to a cool environment, and it is caused by water or air used as cooling fluids in power plants and manufacturing that becomes heated in the process. Heated cooling water from power plants may be 15 ˚C (27 ˚F) hotter than lake or stream water, which increases metabolic rates in fishes and reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen that the water may hold. In extreme cases, it can be hot enough to burn animal tissues.