

Learn about this topic in these articles:


  • Linotype machine
    In Linotype

    The slugs produced by the machine are rectangular solids of type metal (an alloy of lead, antimony, and tin) as long as the line or column measure selected. Raised characters running along the top are a mirror image of the desired printed line. After hot-metal casting,…

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  • printing press
    In printing: Typecasting compositors (1880s)

    …a solid one-piece line, or slug, from movable matrices of each letter. Each of the matrices was individually notched so that it could return only to its proper slot in the magazine after use. Justification was carried out by inserting wedged spacebands between groups of matrices immediately after making up…

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  • printing press
    In printing: Semimechanized composition

    …machine; though it automatically casts slugs, it is related to hand composition by the way the matrices are assembled. The matrices are bronze blocks bearing the letter or sign engraved in intaglio on their lower side and with two shoulders on their upper side.

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typesetting machines

  • In typesetting machine

    …American inventor, which cast thin slugs of a molten, fast-cooling alloy from brass matrices of characters activated by a typewriter-like keyboard; each slug represented a column line of type. The slug could be used either directly for printing or for producing a matrix of a page to be printed; after…

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