Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals

book by Singer

Learn about this topic in these articles:

advocacy of animal rights

  • animal-rights protest in Seoul
    In animal rights: The modern animal rights movement

    Singer, whose book Animal Liberation (1975) is considered one of the movement’s foundational documents, argues that the interests of humans and the interests of animals should be given equal consideration. A utilitarian, Singer holds that actions are morally right to the extent that they maximize pleasure or minimize…

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  • Earth Day
    In environmentalism: Animal rights

    …influenced by works such as Animal Liberation (1975), by the Australian philosopher Peter Singer, and The Case for Animal Rights (1983), by the American philosopher Tom Regan. Animal rights approaches go beyond a concern with ill-treatment and cruelty to animals, demanding an end to all forms of animal exploitation, including…

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discussed in biography

  • Peter Singer
    In Peter Singer

    …best-known and most influential work, Animal Liberation: A New Ethics for Our Treatment of Animals (1975). Returning to Australia, he lectured at La Trobe University (1975–76) and was appointed professor of philosophy at Monash University (1977); he became director of Monash’s Centre for Human Bioethics in 1983 and codirector of…

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effective altruism

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

  • PETA demonstrator
    In People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

    ethicist Peter Singer’s book Animal Liberation (1975). PETA’s earliest efforts included exposure of and litigation against government and private research laboratories that used animals in testing. Gradually the organization began to appeal to industries—such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, which traditionally used animals for extensive and invasive testing of their…

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