Battle of Perusia

Roman history

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effect on Mark Antony

  • Mark Antony marble bust
    In Mark Antony: Civil war and triumvirate

    …the rebellion, capturing and destroying Perusia (present-day Perugia). Antony had to return to Italy, leaving his general Ventidius to deal with a Parthian invasion of Asia Minor and Syria. After initial skirmishes, Antony and Octavian were reconciled at Brundisium (present-day Brindisi) and, since Fulvia had died in the meantime, Antony…

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  • Roman Forum
    In ancient Rome: The Triumvirate and Octavian’s achievement of sole power

    …Antony and were defeated at Perusia (41). Octavian and Antony sealed their alliance with a marriage compact: Antony married Octavia, Octavian’s sister. Octavian then confronted Pompey’s son Sextus Pompeius, who had seized control of the islands off Italy. After much diplomatic maneuvering (including another meeting with Antony), Octavian attacked and…

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