Bell Telephone Company

American corporation

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role of

    • Bell
      • Alexander Graham Bell
        In Alexander Graham Bell

        …a group that established the Bell Telephone Company in July 1877 to commercialize Bell’s telephone. Bell was the company’s technical adviser until he lost interest in telephony in the early 1880s. Although his invention rendered him independently wealthy, he sold off most of his stock holdings in the company early…

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    • Vail
      • Vail, Theodore Newton
        In Theodore Newton Vail

        …executive who twice headed the Bell Telephone Company at critical times and played a major role in establishing telephone services in the United States.

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    • Watson
      • Watson, Thomas Augustus
        In Thomas Augustus Watson

        In 1877, when the Bell Telephone Company was formed, Watson received a share in the business and became its head of research and technical development.

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