De materia medica

work by Dioscorides

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Byzantine art

    discussed in biography

    • botanical illustration
      In Pedanius Dioscorides

      …physician and pharmacologist whose work De materia medica was the foremost classical source of modern botanical terminology and the leading pharmacological text for 16 centuries.

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    influence of Crateuas’ herbal

    • herbal
      In herbal

      …probably largely embodied in the De materia medica of the Greek physician Pedacius Dioscorides. A Byzantine version of his famous herbal is the Constantinopolitan, or Viennese, Codex (c. ad 512). Some of its illustrations are probably derived from Crateuas, together with plant names, such as Anemone and Anagallis, which are…

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    origin of medicines

    • Joseph Lister
      In pharmaceutical industry: Medicines of ancient civilizations

      According to De materia medica, written by the Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides in the 1st century ad, verdigris (basic cupric acetate) and cupric sulfate were prescribed as medicinal agents. While attempts were made to use many of the mineral preparations as drugs, most proved to be too…

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