Diet of Augsburg

Holy Roman imperial council

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    role of

      • Charles V
      • Cochlaeus
        • In Johannes Cochlaeus

          …(1522–23) and Speyer (1526); the Diet of Augsburg (1530), where he was one of the theologians selected to refute the Lutheran Augsburg Confession; and a famous, if indecisive, conference at Worms (1540).

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      • Luther
        • Martin Luther
          In Martin Luther: Later years of Martin Luther

          When Charles V convened a Diet to meet at Augsburg in 1530 to address unresolved religious issues, Luther himself could not be present, though he managed to travel as far south as Coburg—still some 100 miles north of Augsburg—to follow developments at the Diet. In Augsburg it fell to Luther’s…

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      • Melanchthon
        • Philipp Melanchthon
          In Philipp Melanchthon: The Augsburg Confession of Philipp Melanchthon

          At the Diet of Augsburg (1530) Melanchthon was the leading representative of the Reformation, and it was he who prepared the Augsburg Confession, which influenced other credal statements in Protestantism. In the Confession he sought to be as inoffensive to the Catholics as possible while forcefully stating…

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      • Zwingli
      • history of Germany
        • Germany
          In Germany: Lutheran church organization and confessionalization

          …presented for discussion at the Diet of Augsburg in 1530, which was attended by the emperor. The Augsburg Confession, which became a fundamental statement of Lutheran belief, assumed that reconciliation with the Catholics was still possible. This view was shared by Charles, who was pushing the pope toward the summoning…

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        • proclamation of Augsburg Interim
          • In Augsburg Interim

            …in May 1548 at the Diet of Augsburg (1547–48), which became imperial law on June 30, 1548. It was prepared and accepted at the insistence of the Holy Roman emperor Charles V, who hoped to establish temporary religious unity in Germany until differences could be worked out in a general…

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        • role of Charles V


          • effect on Kreis
            • In Kreis

              The Diet of Augsburg in 1555 accorded them law-enforcement powers, including the right to carry out the decisions of the Reichskammergericht, or imperial chamber. Especially in western and southern Germany, the circles provided a measure of needed regional political cohesion during the great religious and political…

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          • history of Lutheranism
          • promulgation of Peace of Augsburg
            • Charles V
              In Peace of Augsburg

              … assembled earlier that year at Augsburg. The Peace allowed the state princes to select either Lutheranism or Catholicism as the religion of their domain and permitted the free emigration of residents who dissented. The legislation officially ended conflict between the two groups, though it made no provisions for other Protestant…

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