
Indian literature
Also known as: “Harivamsha”

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  • place in Sanskrit literature
    • ghatam
      In South Asian arts: Harivaṃśa and Purāṇas

      The role of the Mahābhārata as the storehouse of Hindu lore was supplemented by the Harivaṃśa (“Genealogy of Hari”—that is, the god Vishnu), which deals with the ancestry and exploits of Krishna, the Pāṇḍavas’ friend and adviser in the epic but now…

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depiction of

    • Krishna
      • Krishna
        In Krishna

        and its 5th-century-ce appendix, the Harivamsha, and the Puranas, particularly Books X and XI of the Bhagavata-purana. They relate how Krishna (literally “black,” or “dark as a cloud”) was born into the Yadava clan, the son of Vasudeva and Devaki, who was the sister of Kamsa, the wicked king

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    • Vaisya caste