Helladic civilization

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major reference

  • Aegean civilization sites
    In Aegean civilizations

    …that of the mainland as Helladic, from Hellas, the Greek name for Greece. Early, middle, and late stages have been defined in each of these, with further subdivisions according to recognizable changes in the style of pottery and other products that are associated with each separate culture. The civilization that…

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  • Aegean civilization sites
    In Aegean civilizations: Religion

    …on the mainland before the period when they came under strong Cretan influence. An open-air sanctuary filled with marble figurines on the island of Kéros (Káros) is assignable to the Early Bronze Age. In Crete during the Early Palace Period, there were many open-air sanctuaries on the tops of hills…

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Bronze Age art


    • Hohokam pottery
      In pottery: Early Bronze Age (c. 3000–2000 bce)

      …into Early, Middle, and Late Helladic, each subdivided into stages I, II, and III. Early Helladic wares show how quickly pottery fell under the influence of the new craft of metalworking: the two leading shapes, the sauceboat and the high-spouted jug, both have metal prototypes. Painted ornament is rare before…

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