Herbarum vivae eicones

work by Brunfels

Learn about this topic in these articles:


  • biology; microscope
    In biology: Advances in botany

    …the two volumes of his Herbarum vivae eicones, a book about plants, which, with its fresh and vigorous illustrations, contrasted sharply with earlier texts, whose authors had been content merely to copy from old manuscripts. In addition to books on the same subject, Hieronymus Bock (Latinized to Tragus) and Leonhard…

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discussed in biography

  • In Otto Brunfels

    …include the two volumes of Herbarum vivae eicones (1530–40; “Living Pictures of Herbs”); the text is a collection of old and new commentaries on plants, with little lasting scientific value other than records of medieval properties. The drawings are detailed, accurate, and realistic; this work helped move botany away from…

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  • herbal
    In herbal

    Otto Brunfels’ Herbarium vivae eicones (1530s) contains excellent and accurate drawings by the wood engraver Hans Weiditz. This emphasis on accuracy also appeared in the subsequent herbals of Hieronymus Bock and Leonhard Fuchs. Plants brought back by explorers then began to be illustrated. Nicolás Monardes’ Dos libros…

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