High German language

Also known as: Hochdeutsch, Upper German language

Learn about this topic in these articles:

major reference

  • Germanic languages in Europe
    In West Germanic languages: History

    …been the increasing standardization of High German and its increasing acceptance as the supradialectal form of the language. In writing, it is almost the only form used (except for limited printings of dialect literature); in speech, it is the first or second language of virtually the entire population.

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German language

  • In German language

    …which belong to either the High German or Low German dialectal groups. The main difference between High and Low German is in the sound system, especially in the consonants. High German, the language of the southern highlands of Germany, is the official written language.

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influence on English

  • global use of the English language
    In English language: Vocabulary

    The contribution of High German has been on a different level. In the 18th and 19th centuries it lay in technicalities of geology and mineralogy and in abstractions relating to literature, philosophy, and psychology. In the 20th century this contribution was sometimes indirect. Unclear and meaningful echoed German…

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linguistic diversity of Germany

  • Germany
    In Germany: Languages of Germany

    Of the Upper German dialects, the Alemannic branch in the southwest is subdivided into Swabian, Low Alemannic, and High Alemannic. Swabian, the most widespread and still-ascending form, is spoken to the west and south of Stuttgart and as far east as Augsburg. Low Alemannic is spoken in…

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use among Swiss German-speakers
