Italian Campaign

World War II
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July 9, 1943 - May 2, 1945
United States
Allied powers
World War II

Italian Campaign, (July 9, 1943–May 2, 1945), during World War II, the Allied invasion and conquest of Italy.

With the success of operations in North Africa (June 1940–May 13, 1943) and Sicily (July 9–August 17, 1943), the next logical step for the Allies in the Mediterranean was a move against mainland Italy. The result was an almost immediate Italian capitulation. German forces in Italy resisted the Allied advance, however, and they were led by Field Marshal Albert Kesselring, one of Adolf Hitler’s ablest commanders. More than a year and a half of heavy fighting would ensue between the initial amphibious landings in September 1943 and the final surrender of German forces in May 1945.

The strategic case for invading Italy

An attack on Italy offered tempting fruits. The collapse of one of the signatories of the Pact of Steel would have a staggering morale effect on satellite Axis powers such as Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Italian air bases, particularly those in the Foggia region, could be put to excellent use by Allied air commanders. The Allies could also render more substantial support to Partisans in Yugoslavia and could seriously threaten Axis positions within the Balkans.

Germany invades Poland, September 1, 1939, using 45 German divisions and aerial attack. By September 20, only Warsaw held out, but final surrender came on September 29.
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The risks of such an undertaking were evident, however. The Allies still had to maintain supply lines to North Africa, and it was expected that the first Allied invasion of the European mainland would be met with a fierce Axis response. The inevitable drain on Allied shipping and personnel had to be reckoned with, and the lengthening lines of supply and communication entailed a larger commitment of troops to administrative and logistics work. The political struggles that had beset Italy could easily impede the conduct of military operations and the functioning of any occupation government.

Italy’s terrain was not at all favourable for offensive warfare. The towering masses and narrow defiles of the Apennines; the countless streams—flooded in winter—flowing from them; and the marshlands along the coast offered a series of natural defensive positions. Against these geographic challenges, it would be difficult to fully exploit the anticipated Allied superiority in artillery and armour. During the winter, communications and supply could be hampered by heavy snowfall. Nevertheless, the exposure of the Axis flanks to amphibious attacks was a weakness to which German commanders were keenly aware. On June 5, 1943, the Anglo-American Fifteenth Army Group (initially composed of the British Eighth Army and the U.S. Seventh Army, although the latter would be replaced by the U.S. Fifth Army) was directed to prepare plans for an assault across the Strait of Messina. Allied forces were to capture the ports of Reggio di Calabria and Villa San Giovanni before moving northeast to seize the airfield at Crotone.

The availability of landing craft presented an acute problem for the Allies. No replacements from the United Kingdom or the United States could be expected. In fact, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower had been directed to send to the United Kingdom and India a large portion of the craft that had been already allotted to him. From the invasion of Sicily to the conclusion of the Italian Campaign, operations in the Mediterranean would be conditioned by the chronic shortage of landing craft.

The conquest of Sicily and the Allied air campaign against Italy

The Allies’ rapid success during the invasion of Sicily (July 9–August 17, 1943) undermined Benito Mussolini’s eroding Fascist regime and established an advanced base to carry out operations against mainland Italy. Even before the conclusion of the Sicilian campaign, Allied aircraft were attacking harbours, Luftwaffe airfields, and Italian railways. Allied strategic bombers struck cities in north and central Italy, while the tactical air forces destroyed ammunition dumps, Axis troop concentrations, rolling stock, and oil depots in the “boot” of Italy. On July 19, 1943, more than 500 U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) bombers hit targets throughout Rome, in what was the first major air attack on the Italian capital since the outbreak of war. Nearly 1,500 Italian civilians were killed in strikes on the San Lorenzo rail yards, a target that was just four miles (six kilometres) from the Vatican.

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Days after the Allied bombing of Rome, Mussolini revealed to the Fascist Grand Council that the Germans were considering the evacuation of the southern half of Italy. After a vigorous debate, the council voted 19 to 8 in favour of restoring “the prerogatives of the King and parliament.” On July 25 King Victor Emmanuel III, ordered the arrest of Mussolini and entrusted Marshal Pietro Badoglio with the formation of a new government. Italy wanted peace, but to break the alliance with Hitler might provoke a German attack and condemn Italy to prolonged fighting. Badoglio walked a dangerous tightrope, feigning continued loyalty to Germany while making overtures to the Allies.

With the collapse of the Mussolini regime, new military prospects opened. An early assault on the Naples area now offered reasonable chances of success. However, a direct attack on the city would certainly meet stiff opposition since the Germans could be counted upon to hold this strongpoint to cover the withdrawal of their forces from southern Italy. The plain to the north of Naples was beyond the range of Allied fighter aircraft, and its beaches were unsuitable for landings. To the south lay the Gulf of Salerno, which possessed a 20-mile (32-km) stretch of ideal landing beach; passage to the north, however, was barred by high mountains, and the most direct routes to Naples were through a series of narrow valleys. Allied planners calculated that—if all available fighters with detachable fuel tanks were used—a continuous daylight patrol of 36 aircraft could be maintained over this area until an airfield could be captured. Gen. Mark Clark was therefore ordered to prepare plans for a landing in the Gulf of Salerno with a target date of September 7, 1943. The amphibious assault from Sicily across the Strait of Messina would be made several days before the Salerno operation to release landing craft for the latter assault.

The invasion of Italy and the Italian surrender

Following heavy air preparation against Axis airfields, artillery batteries, and logistics hubs in the “toe” of Italy, the British XIII Corps (Canadian 1st Infantry Division and British 5th Infantry Division) swarmed ashore at 4:30 am on September 3, 1943. Negligible resistance was encountered, and the Strait of Messina was opened to Allied shipping on September 6. The airfields at Crotone were in Allied hands by September 12.

Badoglio had established contact with Eisenhower on August 19 in an effort to negotiate a surrender without the knowledge of the Germans. The combined chiefs instructed Eisenhower to accept the unconditional surrender of Italy (which was signed at Cassibile in Sicily on September 3) and to obtain the maximum military advantage from this development. Responding to Badoglio’s plea that the capital be seized to prevent the capture of the king and government, Eisenhower offered to fly an airborne division into Rome, on the condition that the Italians seize the necessary airfields and silence antiaircraft batteries. The 82nd Airborne Division was tasked with this mission (dubbed Operation Giant II), but the plan was dismissed as unfeasible after a pair of senior U.S. commanders undertook an audacious intelligence-gathering operation in Rome.

On September 7 U.S. Gen. Maxwell Taylor and Col. William T. Gardiner slipped through enemy lines to consult with the Italian leadership. They learned that the Germans had massively reinforced their position in Rome, and that the Italians, who were no longer receiving supplies of fuel or ammunition from the Germans, could put up a token resistance at best. Badoglio reported that he would be unable to secure any of the relevant objectives ahead of an Allied airborne operation in the capital area. On September 8 the unconditional surrender of Italy was announced. The airborne assault on Rome was scrubbed, but it was now too late to retask the 82nd Airborne with its original objective: securing the northern Allied flank of the Salerno landings at the Volturno River.

Meanwhile, Allied air forces had intensified their blows against Axis marshaling yards, airfields, gun positions, military installations, and communications facilities. Pisa, Benevento, Salerno, Foggia, and the Brenner Pass were among the many places subjected to air attack. Field Marshal Albert Kesselring’s headquarters at Frascati, south of Rome, was destroyed, as was much of the surrounding town. Resistance from Axis fighter aircraft progressively decreased.

The Salerno beachhead

At 3:30 am on September 9, Clark’s U.S. Fifth Army landed on the beaches at Salerno. The northern force which had sailed from Sicily and Bizerte, Tunisia, under the command of Commodore Geoffrey Oliver consisted of the British X Corps with the 46th and 56th divisions undertaking the assault. The southern force, which had been convoyed by Rear Adm. John L. Hall, Jr., from Oran, Algeria, consisted of the U.S. VI Corps with the 36th Division in the assault, followed by the 45th Division. U.S. Rangers and British commandos landed on the Sorrento peninsula; the former were to seize the passes leading through to the Naples plain, the latter to capture Salerno. Having suspected that the Allies might undertake an amphibious operation against Naples, the Germans’ reaction was swift and vigorous. Withstanding several German counterattacks, both corps had established a beachhead 4 miles (6.4 km) deep by nightfall, although a dangerous 5-mile (8-km) gap at the Sele River separated them.

Eisenhower and his ground force commander, Gen. Harold Alexander, estimated that eight German divisions were available to oppose the landing. Two were in the Rome area, two were in Naples, and four were in the south. The Axis forces initially held an advantage in armour, as a shortage in shipping prevented the Allies from putting their own tanks ashore. The Allies would not field a significant tank force in Italy until the landing of the British 7th Armoured Division (the so-called “Desert Rats”) on September 15.

On September 10 the two Allied corps made contact at the Sele River, but the intensity of German counterattacks increased. Every available Allied aircraft was dedicated to preventing Axis resupply and reinforcement, and heavy naval gunfire lent its support. By September 12 an airstrip was operational in the beachhead; in the preceding three days, some 3,000 fighter sorties had been flown from bases in Sicily and from aircraft carriers. On the night of September 13 and 14 airborne troops were flown to critical points in the defense, and by September 15 the crisis had passed.

Progress up the peninsula and Mussolini’s rescue

The Italian battle fleet vacated Taranto on September 9 and the port was immediately occupied by the British fleet carrying the British 1st Airborne Division. Two days later, the British paratroopers captured Brindisi. Elsewhere in the Mediterranean on September 9, 3 Italian battleships, 6 cruisers, and 13 destroyers from La Spezia and Genoa, steaming southward to surrender, were bombed by German aircraft. The Italian battleship Roma was sunk, and more than 1,200 sailors and officers were lost. The remainder of the Italian fleet escaped to the Balearic Islands and Annaba, Algeria. From Annaba, the fleet moved on to Malta, where it was joined by other surrendering elements. Only a small proportion of the Italian air force—some 320 planes—complied with the surrender terms by flying over to the Allies. The Italian army made apathetic resistance to the Germans.

On September 12 Capri and other islands in the Bay of Naples surrendered. Four days later patrols from the Fifth and Eighth armies met 40 miles (64 km) southeast of Salerno, uniting Alexander’s Fifteenth Army Group into a single front. On September 18 Axis forces evacuated Sardinia to the French, and on October 6 Corsica followed suit.

While combat raged in southern Italy, Hitler conspired to free Mussolini from captivity. Imprisoned first on the island of Ponza, then on an island off the coast of Sardinia, the Italian dictator was eventually transported to the Hotel Campo Imperatore, high in the Gran Sasso d’Italia. The Italians believed that the inaccessibility of site ruled out any possibility of a German rescue attempt. Nevertheless, on September 12, 1943, a team of German commandos led by Waffen-SS officer Otto Skorzeny crash-landed a glider force on the slopes behind the hotel. Skorzeny and his team spirited Mussolini to Munich and Hitler restored him as ruler of the “Italian Social Republic,” a last-ditch puppet Fascist regime based in Salò on Lake Garda.

The Fifth and Eighth armies now moved forward abreast. Bari fell on September 13. On September 28 the Eighth Army occupied the Foggia airfields, and on October 1 the Fifth occupied Naples and its harbour. Repairs to the demolished port structures were immediately begun. On October 14 unloading ceased over the Salerno beaches, where, during the period September 9–26, a total of 108,000 tons of supplies, 30,000 motor vehicles, and 189,000 troops had been landed.

Capture of the Foggia airfields confirmed the Allied hold on the mainland. Large numbers of fighters could now be based relatively close to the battle area. Heavy bombers could easily strike at the passes across the Alps, add their attacks to those of the Eighth and Ninth air forces against Germany, and disrupt industry and transportation in the Balkans to the benefit of the Red Army. German resistance, however, began to stiffen. To avoid a costly frontal attack on the port of Termoli, the British made an amphibious landing north of the city, but Axis forces delayed its capture until October 6. At 4:00 pm on October 13, Italy declared war on Germany. One outstanding advantage brought by this cobelligerency was to obviate the need for the Allies to establish military government of occupation.

New divisions arrived to join the Allied forces, while the Germans hastily reinforced their own defenses. On the night of October 12–13, the U.S. II and VI corps forced a crossing of the Volturno River in hard fighting. Destroying every bridge and culvert en route, the Germans withdrew to their winter line athwart the peninsula which they had been preparing since the Allied landings on the mainland. This deep position, dubbed the Gustav Line, followed generally the course of the Garigliano and Sangro rivers. The Fifth Army’s efforts to gain control of the lower Garigliano began on November 6; the Eighth Army crossed the Sangro two weeks later. Communications were almost nonexistent, winter was coming on, and heavy rains and snows added to the handicaps. To deal with German defenses, Allied artillery was bolstered by batteries of the heaviest field pieces produced in the United States; 240-mm howitzers and 8-inch guns were rushed to Italy. The Fifth Army continued to dislodge Axis troops from the succession of mountains which still barred the Cassino corridor to Rome and finally, in December, arrived before its entrance. In the same month the first of eight French infantry and armoured divisions which the United States had agreed to equip arrived in Italy. In late December Canadian troops defeated a garrison of elite German Fallschirmjäger (paratroops) in a sanguinary battle at Ortona, thus allowing the Allies to continue progressing up the Adriatic coast.

The buildup of Allied ground forces was delayed by the necessity of balancing military needs with those of Italy’s civilian population. Allied armies had to import not only the huge quantities of equipment, supplies, and personnel to establish and staff the air bases but also the foodstuffs to keep the populace from starvation. A setback was suffered on December 2 when a German air attack sank 17 Allied ships in the harbour at Bari. Some 1,000 British and American sailors and merchant mariners were killed and hundreds were wounded. Among the vessels hit by German bombs was the SS John Harvey, a Liberty ship that was carrying a secret cargo of mustard gas. The bombs were intended to be used if the Germans, in desperation, initiated a chemical warfare campaign against the Allies. Although much of the chemical agent was dispersed out to sea, hundreds were sickened by mustard gas exposure and dozens were killed. By this time Adriatic ports were unloading 70,000 tons and Naples 80,000 tons weekly.

On December 5, 1943, the combined chiefs of staff vested in Eisenhower responsibility for all operations in the Mediterranean other than strategic bombing. On December 10 he was appointed supreme allied commander for the cross-channel invasion, and on January 8, 1944, Gen. Henry Maitland Wilson succeeded him as supreme commander in the Mediterranean. Lieut. Gen. Jacob L. Devers became Wilson’s deputy. Gen. Bernard L. Montgomery and Air Chief Marshal Arthur W. Tedder followed Eisenhower to England, Lieut. Gen. Oliver W.H. Leese succeeding Montgomery in command of the Eighth Army. Gen. Carl Spaatz was designated to command the U.S. strategic air force with headquarters in London. Gen. James Doolittle replaced Gen. Ira C. Eaker in command of the Eighth Air Force, and Eaker assumed command of the Mediterranean air forces. Early in January Gen. Alphonse Juin’s French corps took over the right sector of the Fifth Army from the U.S. VI Corps, which was withdrawn to prepare for the Anzio landing.

The Anzio landings and the Battle of Cassino

In order to disrupt communications in the rear of the German forces in the Cassino area, the VI Corps landed on the beaches near Anzio on January 22; its troops included the U.S. 3rd Division, British 1st Division, and U.S. Rangers. To divert the attention of the local Axis forces from this operation the Fifth Army had mounted a series of local operations. The British X Corps on January 17 gained a bridgehead over the Garigliano but made no further progress. The U.S. II Corps (36th Division) on January 20–21 unsuccessfully attempted to force the Rapido. East of Cassino the French corps made considerable gains.

The Germans reacted swiftly to the landings, and by the end of January the VI Corps had been sealed in. The Germans were able to deliver persistent and accurate artillery fire throughout the flat beachhead—18 miles (29 km) long by 9 miles (14.5 km) deep—and against ships offshore. Axis counterattacks reached the peak of their intensity on February 17, but the beachhead was held. During the four months of its existence, the beachhead was reinforced by the U.S. 1st Armoured, 34th, 36th, and 45th divisions and by the British 5th and 56th—the last being later withdrawn.

Farther south the Fifth Army offensive had been halted before the strong defenses of Cassino, where raged some of the bitterest fighting of the war. On February 15 the Allies bombed and demolished the Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassino, erroneously believing that the Germans had occupied and fortified it. In fact, the Germans were able to remove both the monks and the treasures of the abbey. After the bombardment ceased, the Germans occupied and fortified the ruins. A month later Allied aircraft dropped 1,400 tons of bombs on Cassino, leaving the town so heaped with rubble that tanks could not operate until bulldozers cleared paths for them. Once again, the Germans constructed strongpoints and pillboxes in the bomb-shattered debris, further slowing the Allied advance.

The capture of Rome and the pursuit north

As spring approached, the Allied air forces systematically destroyed all the important Axis rail yards south of Florence. After failing to score a breakthrough at Anzio and Cassino, Alexander regrouped his forces for a new drive. On May 11 the Allies launched a sharp offensive between the Tyrrhenian coast and Cassino. Americans crossed the Garigliano near the coast while British, Indian, and Polish troops drove on Cassino. On May 18 Cassino fell to a Polish corps of the Eighth Army, and to the west, U.S. Fifth Army troops ejected the Germans from Formia. The fall of these two citadels unhinged the western anchor of the Gustav Line. Concentrating most of their punch on the western coast of Italy, four Allied spears drove into the Hitler Line, a new German defensive system that began in Terracina and rejoined the Gustav Line east of Cassino.

As the Allies pounded a wedge into the German lines along the coast, the quiescent Anzio front flared into action. On May 23 the Allies struck out against the investing Germans (whose strength had been diminished in order to reinforce the Gustav Line). The battle was now in progress all along the Italian peninsula from the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic. On May 25 U.S. troops broke out of the Anzio beachhead and joined the main body of U.S. forces in the Pontine Marshes. When the Eighth Army’s Canadian Corps penetrated the last German defenses in the Liri Valley, the whole Gustav Line began to collapse. American armoured forces and infantry broke through the wavering German lines, and on June 5, 1944, elements of Clark’s U.S. Fifth Army entered Rome.

Both the Fifth and Eighth armies took off in pursuit Kesselring’s forces. Although the loss of Rome was a blow to Axis morale, the Germans retired in order to the line of the Arno River. In mid-June a French amphibious force recaptured Elba. The U.S. Fifth Army captured Livorno on July 19, and among the troops there were the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Battalion, a pair of units composed mainly of Nisei (second-generation) Japanese American volunteers. The valour of these soldiers, many of whom left behind family members in internment camps, was renowned, and the 442nd would become the most-decorated unit in United States military history for its size and length of service. On July 20, 1944, the Allied force headquarters relocated from Algiers to Caserta.

Florence, 160 miles (almost 260 km) north of Rome, did not fall to the Allies until August 13. By that time the Germans had made ready yet another chain of defenses, the Gothic Line, running from the Tyrrhenian coast midway between Pisa and La Spezia, over the Apennines in a reversed S curve, to the Adriatic coast between Pesaro and Rimini. Alexander might have made more headway against Kesselring’s new front if some of his forces had not been subtracted, in August 1944, for the American-sponsored but eventually unnecessary invasion of southern France (“Operation Anvil,” finally renamed “Dragoon”). On September 15 the Brazilian 1st Expeditionary Infantry Division joined the Fifth Army opposing the Gothic Line. The Eighth Army, having switched back from the west to the Adriatic coast, achieved only an indecisive breakthrough toward Rimini on September 21. After this offensive, the autumn rains set in, making even more difficult Alexander’s indirect movements, against Kesselring’s resolute opposition, toward the mouth of the Po River.

The Gothic Line and the German surrender

The Fifteenth Army Group now stood before the Gothic Line. On September 10, 1944, the Fifth Army attacked the German defenses frontally, and the Eighth Army, now commanded by Lieut. Gen. R.L. McCreery, pushed northwest from Rimini. Although after three months of costly fighting the line was breached, the Axis had been able to establish a new defensive position. On December 12, 1944, Alexander replaced Wilson as supreme commander, with Wilson moving to Washington, D.C., as field marshal to represent the British chiefs of staff. Clark was promoted to Fifteenth Army Group commander, and command of the Fifth army passed to Lieut. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott.

During the fall and winter months the air forces continued to pound Axis communications across the Alps and in northern Italy, as well as oil and rail targets in Austria and southern Germany. In January 1945 the Canadian I Corps with the Canadian 1st Infantry, Canadian 5th Armoured and British 5th Infantry divisions were ordered to France to reinforce the attacks on Germany.

On April 9, 1945, the Eighth Army launched a general attack west of Ravenna. Five days later the Fifth Army joined the offensive and after a week of heavy fighting drove into the Po valley and entered Bologna. Bridgeheads were established across the Po southwest of Mantua on April 23. Both armies raced across the Po valley and into the foothills of the Alps. On April 28 Italian antifascists captured Mussolini and executed him. On April 29 the Allies entered Milan; Fifth Army forces along the Ligurian Sea captured La Spezia on April 25, swept through Genoa and Savona, and advanced to make contact with the French. On every side effective support was received from Italian patriots. By May 1 Eighth Army troops advancing on Trieste had made contact with Yugoslav Partisans at Monfalcone, and the next day at noon the commander of the German armies in northern Italy capitulated. On May 4 patrols of the U.S. 88th Division met those of the Seventh Army south of the Brenner Pass.

Casualties and the significance of the Italian Campaign

Allied casualties in the Italian Campaign numbered some 350,000. Among these were more than 150,000 U.S. troops (92,000 wounded, more than 60,000 killed or missing); roughly 145,000 troops of the British Commonwealth (nearly 100,000 wounded, 45,000 killed or missing); almost 31,000 Free French (almost 24,000 wounded, 7,000 killed or missing); nearly 11,000 troops of the Polish government in exile (more than 8,000 wounded, roughly 2,500 killed or missing); and more than 1,800 Brazilian troops (1,350 wounded, approximately 450 killed and missing).

During these operations the Axis forces lost more than 47,000 known dead, 170,000 wounded, and probably some part of the 209,000 reported missing prior to the German surrender. More than 150,000 Italian civilians were killed in the fighting, and roughly 67,000 Italian troops were killed between the surrender of Badoglio’s government in September 1943 and the end of the war in Europe. While Italy was not as much a focus of the Allied strategic bombing campaign as were Germany or Japan, many Italian cities were seriously damaged by Allied air raids.

By the dogged pressure which they had maintained for 20 months, the Allied forces in Italy had made a major contribution to the common effort. Pinning down substantial strength which Hitler had needed to reinforce both his eastern and western fronts, they had accomplished the mission given them at the Trident Conference. Critics of the Italian Campaign made the opposite argument—that the slow march up the peninsula tied up Allied resources that could have been better used elsewhere. The amphibious landings in Sicily and at Anzio, however, did serve as significant predecessors for the Normandy Invasion in June 1944. The surrender of the Italian government in the early days of the invasion also fundamentally altered the strategic posture of the Third Reich. Hitler’s Fortress Europe had been breached.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThis article was most recently revised and updated by Tracy Grant.