Jewish partisan

World War II
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Jewish partisan, one of approximately 20,000–30,000 irregular fighters who participated in the Jewish resistance against Nazi Germany and its allies during World War II. In western Europe those Jewish resisters often joined forces with other organized paramilitary groups, but in eastern Europe, where anti-Semitism made collaboration difficult or even dangerous, all-Jewish partisan groups were formed.

Origins and development

Jewish partisans were active throughout occupied Europe during the war. After Germany invaded Belgium in 1940, the Jewish group Solidarité (“Solidarity”) bolstered the efforts of the Independent Front, the broader resistance movement in that country. Jews were especially active in the underground press, distributing leaflets calling for rebellion and resistance.

The Nazis overran France in 1940 but left southern France under the nominal control of the collaborationist Vichy government. Because the Vichy regime did not exert as extensive a control over the population as the Nazis did, it was easier for partisan groups to form and spread in the south. Many Jewish families from the north had fled south on the eve of the German takeover, and there they became active in the resistance. Especially effective were the partisans of the Armée Juive (“Jewish Army”), many of whom fought alongside members of the general French Resistance. Jewish partisans also joined bands of maquis guerrilla fighters, who played a significant role in the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944 by blowing up railway lines, attacking garrison trains, and generally hindering Germany’s ability to mount a quick defense. They assisted downed Allied airmen, found safe havens for Jews, and helped others escape to Palestine or across the border into Spain.

In April 1941, six months after Italy had launched its ill-fated invasion of Greece, Germany came to the aid of its ally. Within weeks all of mainland Greece was under German occupation, and Jews responded by joining the National Liberation Front–National Popular Liberation Army, the largest and most-effective resistance organization in Greece. In Italy itself, many Jews participated in underground resistance groups such as the Garibaldi Brigades or Giustizia e Libertà (“Justice and Liberty”).

Whereas in western and southern Europe the Jewish population was comparatively small, the situation was far different in the east. The difference was striking; an estimated 80,000 Jews lived in Greece, concentrated in Thessaloníki and Athens, while the Jewish population of Poland exceeded three million. The anti-Semitism in eastern Europe was also more pervasive than it was in the west. After Germany invaded the Soviet Union in late June 1941, the Nazis rounded up the Jews of eastern Poland, an area that had been ceded to the Soviets under the terms of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact. Captured Jews were either shot at mass graves that they had been forced to dig or deported to concentration camps or ghettos. Some Jews escaped into the countryside, however, and formed partisan groups.

As many as 400,000 people were active in the Armia Krajowa (AK; “Home Army”), the largest underground resistance group in Poland. In many instances the group saved Jewish lives, but a strong current of anti-Semitism also ran throughout the AK, resulting in violence against Jewish partisans. In certain areas the AK posed a greater threat to Jewish partisans than the Nazis, as the AK’s familiarity with the local terrain and populace put their units in a better position to track down Jews.

In the later stages of the war, the Allies were able to support the partisans with airdrops of equipment and personnel. Radios and communications gear allowed the partisans to better coordinate their actions, and Allied special operations officers were sent to train members of the resistance movement. In the east, material assistance from the Soviets was crucial, although all-Jewish partisan groups did not receive the same level of support as mixed or non-Jewish groups.

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Life as a partisan

Jewish resistance during the war, within and outside ghettos, took many forms. In defiance of Nazi edicts, Jews under occupation preserved their culture and traditions through covert prayer services, instruction in Hebrew, and artistic endeavours. Other resisters freed prisoners, smuggled children to safety, and carried messages and military intelligence between the ghettos. Still others forged documents or sabotaged weapons and other products they were forced to make for the Germans. Some Jews fought the Nazis directly, as in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943.

The primary role of the partisan was to take up arms and combat the enemy as part of a guerrilla campaign. Partisans killed Nazis and their local collaborators; destroyed infrastructure critical to the Nazi war effort such as supply trains, power plants, and communication lines; and raided the arsenals of occupation authorities. The partisans operated from bases hidden in dense forests or mountainous terrain, focusing their attention on targets of military and strategic importance. Compared with the Nazis, the partisans suffered a significant disadvantage in both arms and manpower, but their intimate familiarity with the local terrain helped to offset that imbalance. As one partisan remembered, “In the forest, ten partisans seemed like a hundred to those on the outside.”

Although the resistance was largely male-dominated, some 10 percent of Jewish partisans were women. While women often acted in support roles—performing camp duties, providing medical care, and acting as messengers—a number took up arms. Jewish partisans like Sarah Fortis, who formed an all-woman partisan brigade in Greece, and Eta Wrobel in Poland were especially notable. Wrobel declared, “I was a fighter….Jews did not go like sheep to their slaughter.”

One Hungarian partisan, the young poet Hannah Senesh, became a national hero in Israel. She had immigrated to Palestine as part of the Zionist movement in 1939, but in 1943 she joined the British Army. She was trained as a paratrooper, and in March 1944 she was dropped into occupied Yugoslavia to help coordinate resistance activities, rescue Allied personnel, and, eventually, save Hungarian Jews. After fighting alongside Josip Broz Tito’s Partisans for several months, she made her way across the Hungarian border, but she was soon captured. She was imprisoned and tortured but refused to give up information about Allied communications. On November 7, 1944, she was executed by a firing squad. Her poems and diary are a widely cherished example of Holocaust literature.

From cramped bunkers under the streets of Warsaw to outdoor camps exposed to the elements, there was seldom adequate secure shelter for partisans. Shortages of food and of basic medical supplies made hunger and infection a constant concern. Clothing and shoes were also scarce. While some partisans received food and supplies from sympathetic villagers, the threat of discovery meant that such contact was fraught with risk for both parties.

Anti-Semitism, especially in eastern Europe, made the situation for Jewish partisans more perilous. Because they so often lacked the support of the local population, Jewish partisans were often forced to steal, barter, or beg in order to survive. This survival-at-any-cost strategy was amply demonstrated by the Bielski partisans, who stood out as one of the largest and most-successful Jewish resistance groups of the war. In December 1941 the Bielski brothers—Tuvia, Asael, and Zus—fled to the woods outside Nowogródek (now Navahrudak, Belarus) after the murder of their parents and two of their siblings. Unlike other partisan groups, which focused on guerrilla attacks against German occupiers and collaborators, the Bielskis made the preservation of Jewish lives their primary cause. Starting with members of their own family, the Bielskis rescued Jews from the ghettos and moved them into the forest. By the time the Red Army liberated the area in 1944, the Bielski camp had grown to include some 1,200 people, many of them women, children, and the elderly. (The experience of the Bielski partisans was dramatized in Defiance [2008], a film that cast Daniel Craig in the role of Tuvia Bielski.)

Mitch Braff