
poem by Qu Yuan
Also known as: “Li sao and Other Poems of Qu Yuan”

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discussed in biography

  • Qu Yuan, portrait by an unknown artist; in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.
    In Qu Yuan

    …with the long melancholic poem Lisao (“On Encountering Sorrow”; Eng. trans. Li sao and Other Poems of Qu Yuan, 2001), Qu Yuan’s most famous work, which initiated a tradition of romanticism in Chinese literature. Qu Yuan’s other works available in English include The Nine Songs: A Study of Shamanism in…

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origins of fu

  • In fu

    …origins in the long poem Lisao (“On Encountering Sorrow”) by Qu Yuan (c. 339–c. 278 bc). The fu was particularly suitable for description and exposition, in contrast to the more subjective, lyrical sao. Its prosody was freer than that of the sao, the rhyme pattern being less restrictive. The elements…

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place in Chinese literature

  • scene from Romance of the Three Kingdoms
    In Chinese literature: Poetry

    …most important and longest is Lisao (“On Encountering Sorrow”), which has been described as a politico-erotic ode, relating by means of a love allegory the poet’s disappointment with his royal master and describing his imaginary travels in distant regions and the realms of heaven, in an attempt to rid himself…

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