Mesoamerican Indian languages

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Also known as: Meso-American language, Middle American Indian languages
Mesoamerican also spelled:
Key People:
Edward Sapir

Mesoamerican Indian languages, group of more than 125 languages classified into some 10 language families (including language isolates) that are native to Mesoamerica. The term “Mesoamerica” refers to a culture area originally defined by a number of culture traits shared among the pre-Columbian cultures of the geographical region that extends from the Pánuco River in northern Mexico to the Lempa River in El Salvador and along the Pacific coast of Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Mesoamerica is also a linguistic area, which roughly coincides with the culture area. The term is sometimes treated as synonymous with “Middle America,” though Middle America is larger, including also all of Mexico and Central America. Mesoamerican languages are the focus of this article, although the other Middle American languages are also discussed.

The classification and status of Mesoamerican languages

The language families of Mesoamerica are Mayan, Mixe-Zoquean, Otomanguean, Tequistlatecan, Totonacan, Uto-Aztecan, and Xinkan. The language isolates—languages with no known relatives—are Cuitlatec, Huave, and Tarascan (Purépecha). Garífuna (formerly also called Black Carib), an Arawakan (South American Indian) language, is a late arrival from the Caribbean. While most of these language families and isolates are found exclusively within Mesoamerica, Uto-Aztecan languages extend far to the north and most Arawakan languages are found in South America. The most widely accepted classification of these languages follows.

  • (language isolate, extinct) [spoken in Guerrero]
  • (language isolate) [Oaxaca]
  • Languages of the Mayan family are spoken in Guatemala, southern Mexico, and Belize. The most widely accepted classification of the family of languages is:
  • Huastecan
    • Huastec
    • Chicomuceltec
  • Yucatecan-Core Mayan
    • Yucatecan
      • Yucatec-Lacandón
      • Itzáj-Mopán
        • Itzáj
        • Mopán
    • Core Mayan
      • Central Mayan
        • Cholan-Tzeltalan
          • Cholan
            • Chol-Chontal
              • Chol
              • Chontal
            • Choltí-Chortí
              • Choltí (extinct)
              • Chortí
          • Tzeltalan
            • Tzeltal
            • Tzotzil
        • Greater Q’anjob’alan (aka [also known as] Q’anjob’alan-Chujean)
          • Q’anjob’alan
            • Q’anjob’al-Akateko-Jakalteko
              • Q’anjob’al
              • Akateko
              • Jakalteko
            • Motocintlec (with Tuzantec)
          • Chujean-Tojolabal
            • Chuj
            • Tojolabal
      • K’ichean-Mamean (aka Eastern Mayan)
        • K’ichean
          • Q’eqchi’
          • Uspanteko
            • Poqom
              • Poqomam
              • Poqomchi’
            • Central K’ichean
              • K’iche’
              • Kaqchikel-Tz’utujil
                • Kaqchikel
                • Tz’utujil
              • Sakapulteko
              • Sipakapense
        • Mamean
          • Mam-Teco
            • Mam
            • Teco (aka Tektiteko)
          • Awakateko-Ixil
            • Awakateko
            • Ixil

It is clear that the Huastecan branch was the first to separate off from the rest of the family. Next Yucatecan branched off, and then later the remaining Core Mayan separated into distinct branches. It appears that Cholan-Tzeltalan and Greater Q’anjob’alan belong together in a single branch, though this is not entirely certain.

Several Mayan languages have documentation beginning shortly after earliest Spanish conquest in the early 16th century.

  • Mixe-Zoquean languages are spoken mostly in the Mexican states of Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Chiapas. The classification of these languages is:
  • Mixean
    • Oaxaca Mixean [Oaxaca]
      • North Highland Mixe (aka Totontepec)
      • South Highland Mixe (includes Tlahuitoltepec, Ayutla, Tamazulapan)
        • Zempoaltepetl
        • Non-Zempoaltepetl
      • North Midland Mixe
      • South Midland Mixe (includes Juquila, Cacalotepec)
      • Lowland Mixe
    • Tapachultec (extinct) [Chiapas]
    • Sayula Popoluca [Veracruz]
    • Oluta Popoluca [Veracruz]
  • Zoquean
    • Gulf Zoquean
      • Texistepec Zoque [Veracruz]
      • Ayapa [Tabasco]
      • Soteapan Zoque (aka Sierra Popoluca) [Veracruz]
    • Chimalapa Zoquean [Oaxaca]
      • Santa María Chimalapa Zoque
      • San Miguel Chimalapa Zoque
    • Chiapas Zoquean [Chiapas]
      • North Zoque (includes Magdalena, Francisco León)
      • Northeast Zoque
        • Northeast Zoque A (includes Tapalapa, Ocotepec, Pantepec, Rayón)
        • Northeast Zoque B (includes Chapultenango, Oxolotán)
      • Central Zoque (includes Copainalá, Tecpatán, Ostuacán)
      • South Zoque (includes Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Ocozocuautla)

A Mixe-Zoquean language appears have been spoken by the Olmecs.

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Languages & Alphabets
  • Western Otomanguean
    • Oto-Pame-Chinantecan
      • Oto-Pamean
        • Southern Oto-Pamean
          • Otomí-Mazahua
          • Otomí [several Mexican states]
            • Northeastern Otomí
            • Northwestern Otomí
            • Western Otomí
            • Tilapa Otomí
            • Ixtenco Otomí
          • Mazahua [state of Mexico, Michoacán]
          • Matlatzinca-Ocuiltec [state of Mexico]
            • Matlatzinca
            • Ocuiltec
        • Northern Oto-Pamean
          • Pamean [San Luis Potosí, Puebla]
            • Northern Pame
            • Central Pame
            • Southern Pame
          • Chichimeca Jonaz [Guanajuato]
      • Chinantecan [Oaxaca, Veracruz]
        • Chiltepec
        • Lalana
        • Ojitlán
        • Palantla
        • Quiotepec
        • Usila
    • Tlapanec-Manguean
      • Tlapanec-Subtiaba
        • Tlapanec [Guerrero]
          • Azoyú Tlapanec
          • Malinaltepec Tlapanec
        • Subtiaba (extinct) [Nicaragua]
      • Manguean
        • Chiapaneco (extinct) [Chiapas]
        • Mangue (extinct) [Nicaragua]
  • Eastern Otomanguean
    • Popolocan-Zapotecan
      • Popolocan [Puebla]
        • Mazatec complex
          • Huautla-Mazatlán Mazatec
          • Ayautla-Soyaltepec Mazatec
          • Jalapa Mazatec
          • Chiquihuitlán Mazatec
        • Chochoan
          • Ixcatec
          • Chocho-Popolocan
          • Chocho
          • Tlacotepec Popoloca
          • Otlaltepec Popoloca
          • Metzontla-Atzingo Popoloca
      • Zapotecan
        • Chatino [Oaxaca]
          • Zanzontepec Chatino
          • Tataltepec-Panixtlahuaca Chatino
          • Yaitepec Chatino
        • Zapotec complex [mostly in Oaxaca, varieties in Guerrero, Puebla, and Veracruz, with migrants in the U.S.]
          • Lachixío
          • Papabuco
          • Southern Zapotec
            • Cuixtla
            • Coatlán-Loxicha
          • Northern-Central Zapotec group
            • Central Zapotec
              • Cordova’s Zapotec (extinct)
              • Chichicapan
              • Mitla
              • Isthmus
            • Northern Zapotec
              • Ixtlán (aka Juárez)
              • Rincón Zapotec
              • Villa Alta (aka Cajonos Zapotec)
              • Choapan Zapotec
    • Amuzgo-Mixtecan
      • Amuzgo
        • Guerrero Amuzgo
        • Oaxaca Amuzgo
      • Mixtecan
        • Mixtec complex [Oaxaca, Puebla, Guerrero, with migrants in California]
          • Northern Mixtec
          • Central Mixtec
          • Southern Mixtec
        • Cuicatec [Guerrero]
        • Trique [Oaxaca]
          • San Juan Copala Trique
          • San Martín Itunyoso Trique
          • San Andrés–Santo Domingo Chicahuaxstla Trique

The precise number of languages in the Zapotec complex and the Mixtec complex has not yet been determined definitively. Otomanguean languages tend to be characterized by contrastive tones, nasal vowels, mostly open syllables (that is, syllables which end in a vowel or in h or a glottal stop), and a lack of labial consonants (no p, b), though original kw became p in some languages—for example, in the Zapotec complex of languages.

Tlapanec and Subtiaba had been considered part of the large but mostly abandoned Hokan hypothesis. However, it has been determined conclusively that they belong to the Otomanguean family.

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Tarascan (aka Purépecha)
  • (language isolate)
Tequistlatecan (aka Chontal of Oaxaca)
  • Huamelultec (aka Lowland Chontal)
  • Highland Chontal

Tequistlatecan had also formerly been associated with the controversial and now mostly abandoned Hokan hypothesis.

  • Totonac [Veracruz, Puebla]
    • Misantla Totonac (aka Southeastern Totonac)
    • Northern Totonac (aka Xicotepec Totonac)
    • Papantla Totonac (aka Lowland Totonac)
    • Sierra Totonac (aka Highland Totonac
  • Tepehua [Hidalgo, Puebla, Veracruz]
    • Tlachichilco
    • Huehuetla
    • Pisaflores
  • Northern Uto-Aztecan
    • Numic
      • Western Numic
        • Northern Paiute (includes Paviotso, Bannock, and Snake)
        • Monache (aka Mono)
      • Central Numic
        • Shoshone-Goshiute
        • Panamint
        • Comanche
      • Southern Numic
        • Southern Paiute
        • Ute
        • Chemehuevi
        • Kawaiisu
    • Tübatulabal
    • Takic
      • Serrano-Kitanemuk
        • Serrano
        • Kitanemuk
      • Cahuilla-Cupeño
        • Cahuilla
        • Cupeño
      • Luiseño-Juaneño
        • Luiseño
        • Juaneño
      • Gabrielino-Fernandeño
        • Gabrielino
        • Fernandeño
  • Southern Uto-Aztecan
    • Piman
      • Pima-Papago (aka O’odham)
      • Pima Bajo
      • Northern Tepehuan–Southern Tepehuan
        • Northern Tepehuan
        • Southern Tepehuan
      • Tepecano
    • Taracahitic
      • Tarahumaran
        • Tarahumara
        • Guarijío
      • Tubar
      • Cahitan
        • Yaqui
        • Mayo
        • Cahita
      • Ópatan
        • Ópata
        • Eudeve
    • Corachol-Aztecan
      • Cora-Huichol
        • Cora
        • Huichol
      • Aztecan (aka Nahuan)
        • Pochutec (extinct)
        • Core Nahua

In addition to these languages, there is a very long list of names identified in colonial and other early sources that are generally thought to represent extinct Uto-Aztecan groups, most in northern Mexico. No information has survived on most of these, and it is not certain whether they represent independent groups with their own languages or just alternative names for others already known.

Uto-Aztecan languages are distributed from Oregon to Panama. Only the Aztecan (Nahuan) branch is squarely in Mesoamerica. Cora and Huichol have some Mesoamerican traits and were influenced by Mesoamerican languages. The other languages lie outside Mesoamerica, though the members of the Southern Uto-Aztecan subfamily mostly fall within Middle America.

  • [Guatemala]
  • Yupiltepeque (extinct; includes Jutiapa, Yupiltepeque)
  • Jumaytepeque
  • Chiquimulilla (extinct)
  • Guazacapán

Xinkan and Lencan were often assumed to be related to one another, but the evidence does not support this, and the hypothesis has been abandoned.

Other non-Mesoamerican languages of Middle America, from north to south, include the following:

  • Languages of this family occupy parts of Arizona, southern California, northern Baja California, and adjacent areas of Sonora. The family is partially in Middle America, but none of its languages are in Mesoamerica.
    • Yuman
      • Pai subgroup (aka Northern Yuman)
        • Upland Yuma (includes Hualapai, Havasupai, Yavapai) [Arizona]
        • Paipai [Baja California]
      • River subgroup (aka Central Yuman) [Arizona, southern California]
        • Mojave
        • Maricopa
        • Quechan
      • Delta-California subgroup
        • Cocopa [Arizona, Baja California]
        • Diegueño [Southern California, Baja California]
          • Iipay
          • Tipai (aka Tiipay)
          • Kumeyaay
      • Kiliwa [Baja California]
    • Cochimí (extinct) [Baja California]
  • language isolate [Sonora]
Guaicurian (aka Waikurian)
  • (all extinct) [Baja California]
  • Guaicurian languages became extinct in the colonial era and are poorly known, since the surviving documentation is extremely limited. For that reason, their classification is uncertain. A tentative classification based on judgments of similarity reported in colonial sources, not on real linguistic evidence, is:
    • Guaicuran branch
      • Guaicura (aka Waikuri)
      • Callejue
    • Huchiti branch
      • Cora (not the Uto-Aztecan Cora)
      • Huchiti
      • Periúe
    • Pericú branch
      • Pericú
      • Isleño
  • (extinct) [Tamaulipas]
  • (extinct) [Coahuila]
Coahuilteco (aka Pajalate)
  • (extinct) [Coahuila, Texas]
  • (all extinct)
    • Comecrudo (extinct) [Tamaulipas]
    • Mamulique (extinct) [Nuevo León]
    • Garza (extinct) [Texas, Tamaulipas]
  • (extinct, unclassified) [Tamaulipas]
  • (extinct, unclassified) [Tamaulipas]
  • Tol [Honduras]
    • Jicaque of El Palmar (aka Western Jicaque)
    • Eastern Jicaque (aka Tol; extinct)
  • Honduran Lenca (extinct) [Honduras]
  • Salvadoran Lenca (aka Chilanga; extinct) [El Salvador]
  • Miskito (aka Mísquito) [Nicaragua, Honduras]
  • Sumu-Cacaopera-Matagalpa
    • Sumu [Nicaragua, Honduras]
    • Cacaopera-Matagalpa
      • Cacaopera (extinct) [El Salvador]
      • Matagalpa (extinct) [Nicaragua]
  • Paya (aka Pech) [Honduras]
  • Core Chibchan
    • Votic
      • Rama (aka Melchora, Voto, Boto, Arama, Arrama) [Nicaragua]
      • Guatuso (aka Malecu) [Costa Rica]
    • Isthmic
      • Western Isthmic
        • Viceitic
          • Cabécar [Costa Rica]
          • Bribri (aka Viceíta) [Costa Rica]
        • Teribe (aka Térraba, Tiribí) [Costa Rica, Panama]
        • Boruca (extinct) [Costa Rica]
      • Doracic
        • Dorasque (extinct) [Panama]
        • Chánguena (extinct) [Panama]
      • Eastern Isthmic
        • Guaymíic [Panama]
          • Movere (aka Guaymí, Ngäbere)
          • Bocotá
        • Cuna (aka Kuna) [Panama, Colombia]
    • Magdalenic
      • Southern Magdalenic
        • Chibcha [Colombia]
          • Muisca (aka Chibcha; extinct)
          • Duit (extinct)
        • Tunebo (aka U’wa) [Colombia, Venezuela]
        • Barí [Colombia, Venezuela]
      • Northern Magdalenic
        • Arhuacic
          • Cogui (aka Cágaba) [Colombia]
          • Eastern-Southern Arhuacic
            • Eastern Arhuacic [Colombia]
              • Damana
              • Kankuama (aka Atanques)
            • Ica [Colombia]
            • Chimila [Colombia]

Huetar (Costa Rica) and Antioqueño (Colombia) are extinct languages for which the extant evidence is sufficient to demonstrate that they belong to the Chibchan family, but the evidence is not sufficient to show to which subgroup they belong.

Chibchan languages are spoken in lower Central America and northern South America, and thus several of the languages of the family do not fall within the Middle American languages.
