Minor Reformed Church

Also known as: Polish Brethren

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contribution by Socinus

  • Faustus Socinus
    In Socinian

    …leader in the previously established Minor Reformed Church (Polish Brethren). Socinus succeeded in converting this movement to his own theological system, and for 50 years after his arrival the Minor Church had a brilliant life in Poland, with about 300 congregations at its height. The movement’s intellectual centre was at…

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  • Faustus Socinus
    In Faustus Socinus

    …a dominant influence in the Minor Reformed Church (Polish Brethren), centred at the colony of Raków. He became its leader and eventually set his stamp upon its theology.

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development of Unitarianism

  • Unitarian Universalist church
    In Unitarianism and Universalism: Unitarianism in Poland

    …and the formation of the Minor Reformed Church of Poland (Polish Brethren). Gregory Paul, Marcin Czechowic, and Georg Schomann soon emerged as leaders of the new church. They were encouraged by Georgius Blandrata (1515–88), an Italian physician to the Polish-Italian bride of King John Sigismund, who aided the development of…

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religious history of Poland

  • Poland
    In Poland: Social and cultural developments

    The Polish Brethren (known also as Arians and Anti-Trinitarians) made a major contribution by preaching social egalitarianism and pacifism. In 1573 the szlachta concluded the Compact of Warsaw, which provided for the maintenance of religious toleration. These victories for the Reformation, however, were gradually canceled by…

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