Pious Desires

work by Spener
Also known as: “Pia Desideria”, “Pious Wishes”

Learn about this topic in these articles:

advocacy of Pietism

  • August Hermann Francke
    In Pietism

    …famous work, Pia Desideria (1675; Pious Desires), Spener assessed contemporary orthodoxy’s weaknesses and advanced proposals for reform. His proposals included greater private and public use of the Scriptures, greater assumption by the laity of their priestly responsibilities as believers, greater efforts to bear the practical fruits of a living faith,…

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  • Martin Luther's excommunication
    In Protestantism: Pietism in the 17th century

    …of his Pia Desideria (Pious Desires), the first part of which reviewed the low estate of the church. Spener charged civil authorities, who had been de jure heads of the church since before the Peace or Augsburg (1555), with irresponsible caesaropapism (the doctrine of state control over church). He…

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discussed in biography

  • In Philipp Jakob Spener

    …major work, Pia Desideria (1675; Pious Desires). That work outlined Pietism’s basic program and earned Spener a reputation throughout Germany as the spokesman for the movement. His emphasis upon practice was often considered extreme, to the detriment of doctrine. But the doctrinal conflicts of his time deeply concerned Spener, who…

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importance to collegia pietatis

  • In collegia pietatis

    …program in a book entitled Pia Desideria (“Pious Wishes”). This led to a religious revival in many German states and influenced not only the church but also society in general. Because of their emphasis on the practice of a pious life, Spener and his followers were called Pietists.

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