Silver Linings Playbook

film by Russell [2012]

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  • Bradley Cooper
    In Bradley Cooper

    …in a mental institution in Silver Linings Playbook (2012). The dramedy was directed by David O. Russell and costarred Jennifer Lawrence, both of whom became frequent collaborators. Cooper’s second Oscar nomination was for best supporting actor for his performance as a wacky FBI agent in Russell’s American Hustle (2013), which…

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De Niro

  • Robert De Niro
    In Robert De Niro: Comedies and later work

    …paternal role in the seriocomic Silver Linings Playbook. The latter film earned him his first Oscar nomination in more than two decades. In The Family (2013) De Niro starred as a mobster turned informant whose family moves to France in the witness protection program. He then teamed with Morgan Freeman,…

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discused in biography

  • David O. Russell
    In David O. Russell

    He followed The Fighter with Silver Linings Playbook (2012), a comedy-drama about a bipolar man (Bradley Cooper) whose life becomes entangled with that of a neurotic widow (Jennifer Lawrence). The film earned Russell his second Oscar nomination for best director as well as one for best adapted screenplay. Russell continued…

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Oscar to Lawrence for best actress, 2012

  • Jennifer Lawrence
    In Jennifer Lawrence

    Russell’s Silver Linings Playbook. In that movie she played Tiffany Maxwell, a young widow who befriends a man struggling with mental illness (played by Bradley Cooper). She won critical acclaim in the popular film and became the second youngest woman to win the Academy Award for…

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