Swedish-Polish War

European history

Learn about this topic in these articles:

Polish history

  • Poland
    In Poland: Sigismund III Vasa

    …Poland in a series of wars with Sweden. Although one of Lithuania’s great military commanders, Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, triumphed at Kirchholm (1605), and the Gdańsk-based navy defeated the Swedish fleet near Oliwa (1627), the truce that followed was inconclusive. The same was true for most settlements in foreign and domestic…

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Swedish history

  • Sweden
    In Sweden: The reign of Gustav II Adolf

    The war with Poland continued into the 1620s, and after several campaigns in the Baltic States it was successfully concluded in 1629 by the Truce of Altmark, by which Sweden received Livonia and the right to the customs of key Baltic harbours. At about the same…

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