The Conscious Lovers

comedy by Steele

Learn about this topic in these articles:

discussed in biography

sentimental comedy

  • In sentimental comedy

    …comedy is Sir Richard Steele’s The Conscious Lovers (1722), which deals with the trials and tribulations of its penniless heroine Indiana. The discovery that she is an heiress affords the necessary happy resolution. Steele, in describing the affect he wished the play to have, said he would like to arouse…

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  • In comedy: Sentimental comedy of the 17th and 18th centuries

    …comedy for didactic purposes, produced The Conscious Lovers (1722) and provided the English stage with an occasion when the audience at a comedy could derive its chief pleasure not from laughing but from weeping. It wept in the delight of seeing virtue rewarded and young love come to flower after…

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