
fictional character
Also known as: Ben Grimm

Learn about this topic in these articles:

Fantastic Four

  • Fantastic Four
    In Fantastic Four: Origins

    …Richards’s beefy longtime friend pilot Ben Grimm. The foursome commandeered an untested spaceship of Richards’s design from the U.S. military in a frantic but unsanctioned effort to beat the Soviets into space. In orbit, the craft was flooded by cosmic rays that genetically altered its passengers. Upon returning to Earth,…

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Guardians of the Galaxy

  • Guardians of the Galaxy
    In Guardians of the Galaxy

    Thing, and the Defenders are transported from the 20th century to aid the Guardians. Together they help drive the Badoon from Earth’s solar system and the adjacent regions of space. The 20th-century heroes are returned to their era, and the Guardians undertake an interstellar journey…

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