Tocharian B

Also known as: Kuchean

Learn about this topic in these articles:

study by Lévi

  • In Sylvain Lévi

    …the dates of texts in Tocharian B and published Fragments de textes koutchéens . . . (1933; “Fragments of Texts from Kucha”).

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Tocharian languages

  • Indo-European languages in contemporary Eurasia
    In Indo-European languages: Tocharian

    …and B (West Tocharian, or Kuchean). One group of travel permits for caravans can be dated to the early 7th century, and it appears that other texts date from the same or from neighbouring centuries. These languages became known to scholars only in the first decade of the 20th century.…

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  • In Tocharian languages

    …Turfan in the east; and Tocharian B, chiefly from the region of Kucha in the west but also from the Turfan area.

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