White Army

Russian history
Also known as: White Volunteer Army

Learn about this topic in these articles:

role in

    • Russian Civil War
      • Vladimir Lenin
        In Russian Civil War: Seeds of conflict

        …Assembly and (2) the rightist whites, whose main asset was the Volunteer Army in the Kuban steppes. This army, which had survived great hardships in the winter of 1917–18 and which came under the command of Gen. Anton I. Denikin (April 1918), was now a fine fighting force, though small…

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      • Alfred Thayer Mahan
        In 20th-century international relations: Bolshevik diplomacy

        …their control, and subdue the White armies. By the end of 1918 these forces included the Cossacks of General Anton Denikin in the south, supported by the French from Odessa; the Ukrainian separatists; General Nikolay Yudenich’s army of the Baltic; a puppet government in the north supported by the Anglo-French…

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    • Soviet history
      • Russia
        In Russia: The Civil War

        …were opposed by the “Whites,” anticommunists led by former imperial officers. There were also the “Greens” and the anarchists, who fought the Reds and were strongest in Ukraine; the anarchists’ most talented leader was Nestor Makhno. The Allies (Britain, the United States, Italy, and a host of other states)…

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      • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1922–91
        In Soviet Union: The Civil War and the creation of the U.S.S.R.

        …Red Army and various “White” armies formed on the periphery of Soviet Russia for the purpose of overthrowing the communists. Both wars went on concurrently. The struggle against domestic opponents was to prove even more costly in human lives and more threatening to the new regime than the efforts…

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    • Ukrainian history

    role of

      • Alekseyev
      • Denikin
        • In Anton Ivanovich Denikin

          …Kornilov assumed command of the White Army recently formed by Alekseyev. Kornilov was killed in April 1918, and Denikin became commander of the White forces in southern Russia. By the beginning of 1919 he controlled the northern Caucasus; in May he launched a major offensive, advancing through Ukraine toward Moscow.…

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      • Kornilov
        • Lavr Kornilov
          In Lavr Georgiyevich Kornilov

          …command of the anti-Bolshevik (“White”) volunteer army in the Don region. Several months later he was killed during a battle for Ekaterinodar.

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      • Krasnov
        • In Pyotr Nikolayevich Krasnov

          …as commander of the so-called White forces, he organized a Cossack army and enjoyed initial military successes against the Soviets with the aid of German arms. After the Armistice (Nov. 11, 1918), however, the situation deteriorated, and in January 1919 Krasnov’s forces suffered a major defeat. Resigning his command, Krasnov…

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      • Mannerheim
        • Carl Gustaf Mannerheim
          In Carl Gustaf Mannerheim

          …assumed command of the “White” (anti-Bolshevik) forces in January 1918 during the Finnish Civil War and, with German assistance, defeated the Finnish Bolsheviks and expelled Russian forces in a bloody four-month campaign. He became regent of Finland in December 1918, holding this post for seven months until a republic…

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      • Milyukov
        • Pavel Milyukov
          In Pavel Nikolayevich Milyukov: Last years

          …to the leaders of the White Volunteer Army. Subsequently he emigrated to Paris. Milyukov held fast to his liberal principles and remained active in politics and scholarship until his death.

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      • Wrangel