
French law

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legal system

  • In lawyer

    …the avocats, there were also avoués and agréés; the former represented litigants in all procedural matters except the oral presentation, prepared briefs, and negotiated settlements, while the latter, few in number, were responsible for pleading in certain commercial courts. Today the distinction between avoués and avocats has been abolished in…

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  • William Blackstone
    In legal education: Civil-law countries

    The avoué (something of a cross between a junior barrister and a senior solicitor) serves a period of articled clerkship and undergoes a professional examination by practicing lawyers. The notary (who does the noncontentious work performed in England by a solicitor) need not be a university…

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support of advocate

  • In advocate

    …of cases was done by avoués; today this distinction exists only before the appellate courts. In Germany, until the distinction between counselor and pleader was abolished in 1879, the Advokat was the adviser rather than the pleader. The term has traditionally been applied to pleaders in courts of canon law,…

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