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covenant theology
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covenant, a binding promise of far-reaching importance in the relations between individuals, groups, and nations. It has social, legal, religious, and other aspects. This discussion is concerned primarily with the term in its special religious sense and especially with its role in Judaism and Christianity.

Nature and significance

Covenants in the ancient world were solemn agreements by which societies attempted to regularize the behaviour of both individuals and social organizations, particularly in those contexts in which social control was either inadequate or nonexistent. Though ancient pre-Greek civilizations apparently never developed a descriptive theory of covenants, analysis of covenant forms and the ancient use of language yields a definition that essentially is the same as that found in modern law. It is a promise or agreement under consideration, usually under seal or guarantee between two parties, and the seal or symbol of guarantee is that which distinguishes covenant from modern contract.

The concept of covenant has been of enormous importance in the tradition rooted in the Hebrew Bible; from it there is derived the long traditional division by Christians of the Bible into the Old and New Testaments (or Old and New Covenants). In postbiblical Judaism and sporadically in Christianity, the concept of covenant has been a major source and foundation of religious thought and especially of the concept of the religious community, but the nature and content of covenant ideas have undergone an extremely complex history of change, adaptation, and elaboration.

Though both covenant and law in the ancient world were means by which obligation was both established and sanctioned, and are often virtually identified with each other in modern scholarly literature, there are, nevertheless, very important contrasts between the two that should not be obscured. A covenant is a promise that is sanctioned by an oath. This promise in turn was accompanied by an appeal to a deity or deities to “see” or “watch over” the behaviour of the one who has sworn, and to punish any violation of the covenant by bringing into action the curses stipulated or implied in the swearing of the oath. Legal procedure, on the other hand, may be entirely secular, for law characteristically does not require that each member of the legal community voluntarily swear an oath to obey the law. Further, in ordinary legal procedure the sanctions of the law are carried out by appropriate agencies of the society itself, not by transcendent powers beyond human control.

Because individuals can bind only their own persons by an oath, covenants in the ancient world were usually unilateral. In circumstances in which it was desirable to establish a parity (equivalence) treaty, such as in rare cases in political life, the parity was obtained by the simple device of what might be termed a double covenant, in which both parties would bind themselves to identical obligations, and neither was therefore subjected to the other.

The oath was usually accompanied by a ritual or symbolic act that might take any of an enormous range of forms. One of the most frequent of these was the ritual identification of the promisor with a sacrificial animal, so that the slaughter and perhaps dismemberment of the animal dramatized the fate of the promisor if he were to violate the covenant.

Origin and function of covenants


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That covenants most probably originated in remote prehistoric times is indicated by the fact that they were already well-developed political instruments by the 3rd millennium bce. To judge from later parallels and from the modern observations of anthropologists, covenants may very well have developed at least in part out of marriage contracts between exogamous tribes or bands; i.e., those groups that stayed within the required patterns of intermarriage. Whether or not this was the case, the most important functions of covenants for 1,000 years before the Sinai covenant (11th century bce?) had to do with the creation of new relationships, both familial and political. Though the old theory of “social contract”—i.e., the basic agreement about the social and political order—as the basis of large social organizations has not for some time been much in favour among social scientists, very early historical evidence seems increasingly to suggest that covenants may have been much more instrumental in society than has been realized.

Typically, so far as existing sources now reveal, a covenant between social groups regularized in advance the relationships between two societies after one had been subjugated by a superior coercive force, usually by military action or the threat thereof. In the Mari documents (18th-century-bce archives from the palace at Mari in Syria), such a covenant was called a salimum, a “peace,” probably because the promises made by the vanquished brought to an end the necessity of military operations against the vassal ruler or state. As is the case throughout so much of human history, ancient states characteristically seem to have regarded their neighbours as either enemies or vassals. Thus it is not surprising that covenants made under duress had little vitality, particularly when the terms of the covenant called for a considerable annual tribute to the overlord state.

Late Bronze Age developments

About the beginning of the late Bronze Age (c. 1500 bce), there occurred a major step forward in both the form and the concept of political covenants as is attested by treaties of the Hittite empire of Asia Minor. Though the realities of political life were probably little changed, since the foreign policy of the Hittite empire was primarily military, the structure of suzerainty treaties from this time on included rather strenuous efforts to demonstrate that the vassal’s obligations to the Hittite overlord were really founded upon the former’s self-interest, not merely upon the brute military force of the latter.

By far the most evidence for international treaties in the ancient world comes from Hittite sources, which were contemporary with the events that preceded and led up to the formation of the ancient Israelite federation of tribes in Palestine. The treaty form in written texts was highly developed and flexible but usually exhibited the following structure: preamble, historical prologue, stipulations, provisions for deposit and public reading, witnesses, and curses and blessings formulas. (1) The preamble names the overlord who grants the treaty-covenant to the vassal. The titles and laudatory epithets of the Great King are also given. (2) The historical prologue describes the previous relationships between the two parties in some detail, usually emphasizing the benevolent acts of the Great King toward the vassal. Thus the covenant is based upon the demonstrated benefits that have already been received and therefore holds out the expectation of continuing advantage for faithful obedience to the covenant. There is an implication that obedience to obligations is based upon gratitude. (3) The stipulations, which in form are much like those of the ancient Mesopotamian law codes (case law), define in advance the obligation of the vassal in certain circumstances. In addition, there are also generalized statements of obligation of a type that has been called “apodictic law” (regulations in the form of a command). The obligations deal particularly with military assistance, the treatment of fugitives, and foreign policy. Treaty relationships with other independent states are a violation of covenant. (4) Provision is made for deposit of the treaty in the temple and for periodic public reading. Because the temple is the “house of the god,” the written document was placed there for the watchful attention of the deity. The treaty obligations, however, were also binding upon the vassal’s citizenry, and so at stipulated intervals the text was read to the assembly, both as a reminder and a warning. (5) The list of witnesses included, in addition to the major deities of both states, deified elements of the natural world, such as mountains, rivers, heaven and earth, winds, and clouds. The witnesses were those powers that were believed to be beyond human control and upon which both individual human beings and society as a whole were regarded as completely dependent. They were invoked to apply the appropriate sanctions of the covenant. (6) The curses and blessings formulas are the sanctions that furnish not only negative but also positive motivations for obedience. They include the natural and historical calamities beyond human control, such as disease, famine, death without posterity, and destruction of the society itself. The blessings are of course the opposite: prosperity, peace, long life, continuity of kingship and society.

In view of the obsession with rituals that characterized Hittite culture, some elaborate ceremony probably accompanied the ratification of covenant, such as the account of one preserved in the document known as “The Soldiers’ Oath,” but it is not described in existing covenant texts.

Beginning in the 20th century, European and American scholars noted an astounding similarity between this treaty structure and the biblical traditions of the Sinai covenant. Publication of texts in the mid-1950s was followed by an enormous amount of scholarly discussion, but as yet no conclusions can be said to represent a scholarly consensus. The formal similarity to biblical traditions cannot be denied, but the problem of what historical conclusions can be drawn from the formal similarities is highly sensitive and controversial. While the following synthesis is a probable, and historically plausible, interpretation, it must be admitted that other possibilities can by no means be excluded.
