freedom of the press


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Assorted References

  • major reference
    • Pericles
      In censorship: Requirements of self-government

      …of speech and of the press, particularly as that freedom permits an informed access to information and opinions about political matters. Even the more repressive regimes today recognize this underlying principle, in that their ruling bodies try to make certain that they themselves become and remain informed about what is…

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  • Angola
  • Bangladesh
    • Bangladesh
      In Bangladesh: Media and publishing

      …and the constitution provides for freedom of the press. The Bengali newspapers have relatively small circulations, a fact that reflects the low level of literacy in the country. Nonreaders, however, are still exposed to the ideas and influence of the press, as newspapers are often read aloud in groups. Although…

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  • censorship
    • Pericles
      In censorship: Freedom of the press

      One of the most dramatic attempts by the government of the United States to exercise prior (prepublication) restraint occurred in connection with the Pentagon Papers (1971), a “top secret” multivolume report on the Vietnam War that was surreptitiously supplied to various…

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  • First Amendment to U.S. Constitution
  • importance to publishing
    • Gutenberg Bible
      In history of publishing: General considerations

      Freedom of the press was pursued and attacked for the next three centuries; but by the end of the 18th century a large measure of freedom had been won in western Europe and North America, and a wide range of printed matter was in circulation.…

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  • Jordan
    • Jordan
      In Jordan: Media and publishing

      …into effect that further limited press freedoms. Since 2000, however, there has been an easing of some prohibitions. Jordan has several literary magazines as well as scientific and topical periodicals. Radio and television stations, which are government-owned, feature programs from both Arab and Western countries.

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  • Portugal
    • Portugal
      In Portugal: Media and publishing

      The 1976 constitution guaranteed freedom of the press. Readership of daily newspapers in Portugal is quite limited, particularly outside the urban centres. The nationalization of industry that began in 1974 encompassed the leading Lisbon newspapers, which had been owned by banks. Gradual reprivatization began in 1979. The daily Diário…

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  • Venezuela
  • Virginia Declaration of Rights
    • In Virginia Declaration of Rights

      …Specific civil liberties enumerated included freedom of the press, the free exercise of religion, and the injunction that no man be deprived of his liberty except by the law of the land or by the judgment of his peers.

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support by

    • Lovejoy
      • Elijah P. Lovejoy monument
        In Elijah P. Lovejoy

        …reiterating his views and his right to publish them. Threats of mob violence, however, forced him to move his press across the Mississippi River to Alton, in the free state of Illinois. Despite its new location, his press was destroyed by mobs several times in one year. Finally, on the…

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    • Reporters Without Borders
      • In Reporters Without Borders

        … in 1985 to advocate for press freedom worldwide. Named in reference to the international medical charity Doctors Without Borders, Reporters Without Borders (commonly referred to by its French acronym, RSF) has received numerous awards for its work, including the European Parliament’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 2005. The…

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    • Wilkes

    trial of

      • Hone
        • William Hone, detail of an oil painting by George Patten in the National Portrait Gallery, London.
          In William Hone

          …of a journalist’s right to free expression. His The Political House That Jack Built (1819), the first and most famous of a series of satires that he produced with the caricaturist George Cruikshank, ran into 54 editions but failed to keep Hone solvent. A bankruptcy (1828) followed his imprisonment for…

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      • Zenger