
Also known as: haruspication

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Anatolian religions

  • copper finial
    In Anatolian religion: Divination

    … (divination by flight of birds), haruspicy (divination by examining the entrails of sacrificial animals), and an enigmatic procedure using tokens with symbolic names, arts said to be practiced respectively by the “bird-watcher,” the seer, and the “old woman.” The omens, as interpreted by these experts, were either favourable or unfavourable…

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  • In augury

    …entrails of sacrificed animals (haruspicy), or their livers, which were considered to be the seat of life (hepatoscopy).

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Etruscan religions

  • satyr
    In ancient Italic people: Religion and mythology

    …important form of divination was haruspicy, or hepatoscopy—the study of the details of the viscera, especially the livers, of sacrificial animals. Second in importance was the observation of lightning and of such other celestial phenomena as the flight of birds (also important in the religion of the Umbri and of…

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  • In magic: Ancient Mediterranean world

    …forms—from the Etruscan art of haruspicina (reading entrails of animal sacrifices) to the Roman practice of augury (interpreting the behaviour of birds)—and was widely practiced as a means of determining propitious times to engage in specific activities; it often played a role in political decision making. Ancient Roman society was…

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Roman religion

  • Temple of Diana
    In Roman religion: Priests

    …and entrails of animals (haruspicina) became popular in the Second Punic War, though its practitioners (who numbered 60 under the empire) never attained an official priesthood.

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