history of Baltic States

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major treatment

  • Baltic states
    In Baltic states: Prehistory to the 18th century

    In prehistoric times Finno-Ugric tribes inhabited a long belt stretching across northern Europe from the Urals through northern Scandinavia, reaching south to present-day Latvia. The predecessors of the modern Balts bordered them along a belt to the south, stretching west…

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Brothers of the Sword

  • In Order of the Brothers of the Sword

    …the Dvina but also southern Estonia. It then began the conquest of the lands south of the Dvina but encountered strong resistance from their inhabitants, the Curonians (Kurs) and the Semigallians. In September 1236 while the order’s army, heavily burdened with booty, was returning through Semigallia from a raid in…

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  • Finland
    In Finland: Competition for trade and converts

    …of the powers in the Baltic was turned into a religious rivalry, and the Swedish expeditions took on the character of crusades. Finland is mentioned together with Estonia in a list of Swedish provinces drawn up for the pope in 1120, apparently as a Swedish missionary area. The first crusade,…

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glasnost and perestroika

  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1922–91
    In Soviet Union: Political restructuring

    In the Baltic republics, especially, many argued that they could run their economic affairs better than Moscow. Interethnic strife and conflict intensified and sometimes resulted in bloodshed. The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian-dominated enclave in Azerbaijan, was the most violent and bitter. The newly-elected Supreme Soviets could…

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Protestant Reformation

  • Martin Luther's excommunication
    In Protestantism: The expansion of the Reformation in Europe

    …various principalities and kingdoms of northern Europe. The duchy of Württemberg, after the restoration of Duke Ulrich, adopted reform in 1534; its outstanding reformer was Johannes Brenz and its great centre Tübingen. Brandenburg, and its capital Berlin, embraced reform in 1539, and in that same year ducal Saxony, until then…

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  • Russia
    In Russia: Alexis

    …for the Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Baltic territories. At first the war went well, but the differing objectives of the Ukrainian and Muscovite allies soon revealed themselves. When Charles X of Sweden entered the fray against Poland, Alexis made peace, in 1656; he feared a strong Sweden as much as a…

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  • Russia
    In Russia: The Russian Empire

    …Russify the Germans of the Baltic provinces, he objected. The Baltic Germans were loyal subjects and provided admirable officers and officials; they were therefore allowed to preserve their German culture and to maintain their cultural and social domination over the Estonians and Latvians. The young Slavophile and landowning nobleman Yury…

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  • Russia
    In Russia: Russification policies

    The Germans of the Baltic provinces were deprived of their university, and their ancient secondary schools were Russified. The Latvians and Estonians did not object to action by the government against the Germans, whom they had reason to dislike as landowners and rich burghers, but the prospect of the…

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World War I

World War II

  • Alfred Thayer Mahan
    In 20th-century international relations: Poland and Soviet anxiety

    …the right to occupy the Baltic states and portions of Romania. While Westerners could scarcely expect to enlist the Red Army in their cause without giving something in return, they could not justify turning free peoples over to Stalinist tyranny. Second, the Poles, as always, refused to invite the Red…

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  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1922–91
    In Soviet Union: Foreign policy, 1928–40

    …Belorussia, together with the three Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Heavy pressure was now put on these latter three, and they were forced to accept Soviet garrisons under treaties signed in September and October. The treaties guaranteed that there would be no interference in their internal politics.

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  • World War II: Germany invading Poland
    In World War II: The Baltic states and the Russo-Finnish War, 1939–40

    Profiting quickly from its understanding with Germany, the U.S.S.R. on October 10, 1939, constrained Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to admit Soviet garrisons onto their territories. Approached with similar demands,

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