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The great khan Möngke (1251–59), who had sent his brother Kublai to conquer China, entrusted another of his brothers, Hülegü, with the task of consolidating the Mongol hold on Iran. In 1258 Hülegü occupied Baghdad and put an end to the Abbasid caliphate. He laid the foundations of a Mongol state in Iran, known as the Il-Khanate (because the il-khan was subordinate to the great khan in faraway Mongolia or China), which embraced, in addition to the Iranian plateau, much of Iraq, northern Syria, and eastern and central Anatolia and which, under Abaqha (1265–82), Arghun (1284–91), Ghāzān (1295–1304), and Öljeitü (1304–17), became both powerful and highly civilized. Although practically independent, the il-khans of Iran (Persia) remained loyal to Möngke and Kublai, but, with the passing of Kublai, the drift toward full independence grew stronger. With Maḥmūd Ghāzān’s decision to make Islam the state religion—a gesture intended to gain the confidence of the majority of his subjects—a big step toward integration in the purely Iranian (as opposed to Mongol) tradition was taken. A lengthy conflict that pitted the il-khans against the Mamluks of Egypt was not resolved until 1323, when a peace was concluded between the sultan al-Malik al-Nāṣir and Abū Saʿīd (1316–35), the last effective il-khan. After Abū Saʿīd’s death the Il-Khanate, no longer held together by Mongol efficiency, disintegrated.

In Iran and China the Mongol rulers, who increasingly linked their destinies with those of their sedentary subjects, inevitably began to lose their Mongol identity. But in the Central Asian heartland the descendants of Chagatai and Ögödei, sons of Genghis, maintained traditional steppe polities geared to the interests of their nomad followers and increasingly opposed to the policies of the great khan in China and his ally, the il-khan, in Iran. After Möngke’s death in 1259 there was a struggle between his two younger brothers, Kublai and Arigböge. The steppe candidate, Arigböge, lost in his bid for supreme power to the older Kublai, and further attempts to reestablish the centre of Mongol power in the Central Asian heartland also were unsuccessful.

The most active and successful proponent of this policy was Kaidu, a grandson of Ögödei, who made several attempts to carve out an empire for himself in the heartland from lands ruled by other Mongol princes. In the course of time, he extended his control over most of the Semirechye, Kashgaria, and Transoxania, and in 1269 he even assumed the title of great khan. Chagatai’s descendants, enfeoffed with the territories stretching from Bishbaliq in the Dzungarian Basin westward to Samarkand, were to some extent victims of Kaidu’s ambitions but for lack of better alternatives lent him their support. After Kaidu’s death in 1301, however, the Chagataid khan Duwa hastened to make peace with his Mongol kin in both Iran and China.

Thereafter the Chagataid khanate, coterminous with the Central Asian heartland, enjoyed a checkered fortune. For the next 30 years it remained united, but during the 1330s and ’40s it split into a western and an eastern khanate, the former consisting of the area between the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya, together with much of what is today Afghanistan, while the latter comprised the Semirechye and Kashgaria.

The Chagataid khans who ruled in the western khanate, where they usually resided in Bukhara, openly espoused Islam and a Muslim lifestyle, as did perhaps the majority of their followers. Northeast of the Syr Darya, the Chagataid rulers of the eastern khanate endeavoured to maintain the nomadic traditions of their ancestors—descendants of Genghis Khan—with a considerable degree of success. They continued to locate their headquarters in the Ili or Chu valley, while emirs of the important Mongol Dughlat clan, with whom the Chagataids were closely linked through marriage alliances, ruled the Tarim Basin on their behalf from Kashgar. To the inhabitants of Transoxania and Iran, the eastern Chagataid khanate was known as Mughulistān (literally, “Land of the Mongols”) and its inhabitants, unflatteringly, as Jats (literally, “Robbers”).

During the last third of the 14th century, the western Chagataid khanate passed under the control of the Barlas Turk Timur (died 1405; known in the West as Tamerlane), while the eastern khanate went through a protracted period of political instability but also gradual Islamization. Under a succession of vigorous 15th-century rulers—Esen Buga, Yunus, and Ahmad—the eastern khanate held its own, ringed as it was by Oirat foes in Dzungaria, the Kyrgyz in the Tien Shan, and the Kazakhs in the Semirechye. But decline did set in, temporarily postponed during the reign of Ahmad’s able son Sultan Saʿīd Khān (1514–33), who ruled from Kashgar. By the beginning of the 17th century, however, the Chagataid khans in the east had become mere figureheads, with the towns under the quasi-theocratic rule of a family of Khwājahs originating from Bukhara, while the countryside was dominated by rival Kyrgyz confederacies. The line seems to have died out obscurely before the end of the century.

Developments within the most enduring Mongol successor state, that of the Golden Horde, with its headquarters at Sarai on the lower Volga River, followed a rather different course. Its Islamization, begun under Batu’s brother Berke (1257–67), led to tensions with the il-khans but resulted in the forging of strong links with the Mamluks of Egypt. The Mamluks were themselves Kipchak Turks from the Kipchak steppes of southern Russia over which the khans of the Golden Horde ruled.

The prosperity of the Golden Horde under Ghiyath al-Dīn Muḥammad Öz Beg (Uzbek) between about 1312 and about 1341 stands in sharp contrast to the disintegrating Il-Khanate and Chagataid khanate, yet it had its own problems, both internal and external. From within, the growing and unavoidable antagonism between the Turko-Mongol ruling class, Turkic-speaking and now Muslim, and their Christian Russian subjects was exacerbated by the ceaseless dissensions among the members of the ruling house and the military elite, increasingly referred to by their Slav neighbours as Tatars. In foreign policy, the peace concluded in 1323 between the il-khans and the Mamluks weakened the Golden Horde’s influence in Egypt, while the establishment of the Ottomans on the Dardanelles (1354) put a virtual end to commercial relations between the Volga and Nile valleys. Perhaps the gravest political mistake of the rulers of the Golden Horde was their failure to recognize that the West—with which, through the Russians, they had excellent links—offered a more fertile ground for further expansion than the sunbaked deserts of Turkistan. The khans of the Golden Horde, instead of controlling the Russian and Lithuanian princes, increasingly relied upon their help in internal and dynastic struggles that were rending the khanate. While their attention was drawn southward and eastward, they overlooked the rise of dangerous Russian and Lithuanian enemies in their rear.

The policies of the khan Tokhtamysh (1376–95) differed from those of his predecessors. Hereditary ruler of the White Horde, its pastures located in western Siberia and extending to the lower reaches of the Syr Darya, Tokhtamysh was able to enlarge his power base by uniting its resources with those of the Golden Horde, of which he eventually made himself master. He thus introduced fresh “steppe power” into the Golden Horde at a time when it was no longer the force it had once been (in 1380 the Muscovites had inflicted a crushing, if temporary, defeat on the horde at Kulikovo Pole). Furthermore, instead of seeking the assistance of petty eastern European princes, Tokhtamysh hitched his wagon to the rising star of Timur, with whose support he reasserted Mongol supremacy in Russia.

After Tokhtamysh’s death the Golden Horde survived under the aegis of an able usurper, Edigü, but after Edigü’s death in 1419 a process of disintegration set in. The core territories of the former Golden Horde, centred on the Volga-Don steppes, became known as the “Great Horde,” while outlying regions seceded to form independent khanates based on Kazan and Astrakhan on the Volga, Crimea, western Siberia, and the Nogay steppe east of the lower Volga. All eventually fell victim to dynastic feuds, internecine rivalry, and Muscovite expansionism. Thus, in the case of the Kazan khanate, its founder Ulugh Muḥammad (c. 1437–45) bequeathed the throne to his able son Maḥmud (or Maḥmutek), who reigned with conspicuous success between 1445 and 1462. Maḥmud’s brothers, however, fled for sanctuary to Vasily II of Moscow, who set up a puppet khanate for one of them (Kasim) at Gorodets-on-the-Oka (thereafter renamed Kasimov). The khanate of Kasimov was to be a thorn in Kazan’s flesh until the latter’s extinction in 1552. Kasimov itself survived as a political fiction until about 1681, by which time the last khans had abandoned Islam for Christianity.

In 1502 the Great Horde was extinguished and its lands annexed by the khan of Crimea, Mengli Girai, who had already placed himself under Ottoman suzerainty in 1475. Kazan fell to the troops of Ivan IV the Terrible of Moscow in 1552, and Astrakhan was annexed two years later. The khanate of Sibir (western Siberia), after a stubborn resistance, submitted to Boris Godunov, the regent for Ivan’s son Fyodor I (1584–98). Only the khanate of Crimea was left, separated from Muscovy by the still-unconquered Ukrainian steppe and enjoying some protection because of its status as an Ottoman vassal. It survived for two more centuries, until Catherine the Great’s conquest in 1783. Its capital, Bakhchisaray, long a centre of Tatar culture, was to take on a new life in the late 19th century as the home of the Tatar national revival associated with the name of Ismail Bey Gasprinski.
