
Mongol leader

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  • history of Russia
    • Russia
      In Russia: Tatar rule

      Tokhtamysh, son of a minor Tatar prince, had been unsuccessfully involved in the skirmishes around the throne of Sarai in the 1370s and had fled to the court of Timur, with whose aid he returned to Sarai and vanquished the tribal leaders who had opposed…

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association with

    • Dmitry II Donskoy
      • In Dmitry Donskoy

        …domination when the Mongol leader Tokhtamysh overthrew Mamai (1381), sacked Moscow (1382), and restored Mongol rule over the Russian lands.

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    • Timur
      • Timur
        In Timur: Life

        He gave armed support to Tokhtamysh, who was the Mongol khan of Crimea and a refugee at his court, against the Russians (who had risen against the khan of the Golden Horde, Mamai); and his troops occupied Moscow and defeated the Lithuanians near Poltava.

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    • Vasily I
      • In Vasily I

        …travelled to the Tatar khan Tokhtamysh (1383) to obtain the Khan’s patent for his father to rule the Russian lands as the grand prince of Vladimir. Diplomatically overcoming the challenge of the prince of Tver, who also sought the patent, Vasily succeeded in his mission. But he was subsequently kept…

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    role in

      • Golden Horde
        • Golden Horde
          In Golden Horde

          Mamai’s successor and rival, Tokhtamysh, sacked and burned Moscow in retaliation in 1382 and reestablished the Horde’s dominion over the Russians. Tokhtamysh had his own power broken, however, by his former ally Timur, who invaded the Horde’s territory in 1395, destroyed Sarai Berke, and deported most of the region’s…

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        • Central Asia in the Middle Ages
          In history of Central Asia: Mongol rule

          The policies of the khan Tokhtamysh (1376–95) differed from those of his predecessors. Hereditary ruler of the White Horde, its pastures located in western Siberia and extending to the lower reaches of the Syr Darya, Tokhtamysh was able to enlarge his power base by uniting its resources with those of…

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      • Kulikovo, Battle of
        • In Battle of Kulikovo

          …for the Horde’s new leader, Tokhtamysh, sacked Moscow two years later. But the Battle of Kulikovo did much to erase the memory of the Duchy of Moscow’s collaboration with the Mongols and established Dmitri Donskoy as a heroic figure in Russian history.

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      • Vorskla River battle
        • In Battle of the Vorskla River

          …the Golden Horde, the khan Tokhtamysh was deposed and replaced by Temür Kutlugh as khan and Edigü as emir. In order to restore his authority, Tokhtamysh requested aid from Vytautas, who was eager to extend his domain, which reached the Dnieper River in the east, into the lands of the…

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