history of eastern Africa

Learn about this topic in these articles:

British decolonization

British-German sphere of influence

colonial powers partition

  • In Western colonialism: The race for colonies in sub-Saharan Africa

    The boundary lines in East Africa were arrived at largely in settlements between Britain and Germany, the two chief rivals in that region. Zanzibar and the future Tanganyika were divided in the Anglo-German treaty of 1890: Britain obtained the future Uganda and recognition of its paramount interest in Zanzibar…

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World War I

  • World War I
    In World War I: The loss of the German colonies

    The story of German East Africa (comprising present-day Rwanda, Burundi, and continental Tanzania) was very different, thanks to the quality of the local askaris (European-trained African troops) and to the military genius of the German commander Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck. A landing of troops from India was repelled with

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World War II

  • World War II: Germany invading Poland
    In World War II: East Africa

    Wavell, the success of whose North African strategy had been sacrificed to Churchill’s recurrent fantasy of creating a Balkan front against Germany (Greece in 1941 was scarcely less disastrous for the British than the Dardanelles in 1915), nevertheless enjoyed one definitive triumph before…

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