
Also known as: ideograph

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information processing


  • In pictography

    …meaning may be called an ideogram; if a pictograph stands for an individual word, it is called a logogram (q.v.). Pictographs are also used as memory aids. Various North American Indian tribes used pictographs both as ideograms and as memory aids.

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  • Structure of an information system
    In information processing: Dissemination of information

    Ideographic text and illustrations were engraved in wooden blocks, inked, and copied on paper. Used to produce books as well as cards, charms, and calendars, block printing spread to Korea and Japan but apparently not to the Islamic or European Christian civilizations. European woodcuts and…

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religious symbolism

  • Charles Sprague Pearce: Religion
    In religious symbolism and iconography: Diagrammatic and emblematic

    …usually depicted in diagrammatic or ideographic modes as signs, abbreviations, images, and objects of all kinds that indicate a larger context. In this category belong the simplified or abstract forms of objects of nature or other objects and geometrical forms, as well as colours, letters, and numbers. The circle, the…

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Senegalese culture

  • Senegal
    In Senegal: The arts of Senegal

    …by abstraction and by the ideogram, through which the artist de-emphasizes the material aspect to give free rein to ideas and feelings; a sculptured gazelle, for example, may be represented solely by its horns and its neck, or an elephant may be depicted only by the immense fan formed by…

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writing systems

  • Some of the pictorial signs used at the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles, Calif.
    In writing: Writing as a system of signs

    …that some writing systems, so-called ideograms and pictograms, had been invented to express thought directly, bypassing language altogether. The 17th-century German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz set out to invent the perfect writing system, which would reflect systems of thought directly and thereby be readable by all human beings regardless of their…

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