kabu nakama

Japanese guild

Learn about this topic in these articles:

dissolution by Mizuno Tadakuni

  • Japan
    In Japan: The Tempō reforms

    …further ordered the dissolution of kabu nakama, the merchant and artisan guilds, since he regarded them as the cause of rising commodity prices. Concerned as well with the foreign threat, he planned to reclaim the Imba Swamp (in modern Chiba prefecture) so that food supplies could easily be conveyed to…

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role of Tanuma Okitsugu

  • Japan
    In Japan: Political reform in the bakufu and the han

    …commercial and industrial guilds, or kabu nakama, into monopolistic associations and to demand licensing fees seems to have been aimed not so much at gaining contributions for the bakufu treasury as much as to establish control over the circulation of commercial goods, linking the city guilds with village producers. Tanuma,…

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