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  • major reference
    • Gros Michel banana
      In fruit farming

      The subject of fruit and nut production deals with intensive culture of perennial plants, the fruits of which have economic significance (a nut is a fruit, botanically). It is one part of the broad subject of horticulture, which also encompasses vegetable growing and production of ornamentals and flowers. This article…

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  • angiosperms
    • snake gourd flower
      In angiosperm: Significance to humans

      …important plants cultivated for the nuts and hard seeds they produce are almonds (Prunus dulcis; Rosaceae), walnuts (Juglans; Juglandaceae), pecans (Carya illinoinensis; Juglandaceae), macadamias (Macadamia; Proteaceae), and hazelnuts (Corylus;

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  • fruit as a botanical term
    • apricots
      In fruit: Types of fruits

      …strikingly exemplified by the word nut, popular terms often do not properly describe the botanical nature of certain fruits. A Brazil nut, for example, is a thick-walled seed enclosed in a likewise thick-walled capsule along with several sister seeds. A coconut is a drupe (a stony-seeded fruit) with a fibrous…

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  • nutrition
    • USDA MyPlate dietary guidelines
      In human nutrition: Vegetables and fruits

      Botanically, nuts are actually a kind of fruit, but they are quite different in character with their hard shell and high fat content. The coconut, for example, contains some 60 percent fat when dried. Olives are another fruit rich in fat and are traditionally grown for…

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  • pressing
    • butter
      In fat and oil processing: Pressing processes

      With many oil-bearing seeds and nuts, rendering will not liberate the oil from the cellular structures in which it is held . In these cases the cell walls are broken by grinding, flaking, rolling, or pressing under high pressures to liberate the oil. The general sequence of modern operations in…

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    • list of culinary nuts