religious experience

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religious experience, specific experience such as wonder at the infinity of the cosmos, the sense of awe and mystery in the presence of the sacred or holy, feeling of dependence on a divine power or an unseen order, the sense of guilt and anxiety accompanying belief in a divine judgment, or the feeling of peace that follows faith in divine forgiveness. Some thinkers also point to a religious aspect to the purpose of life and the destiny of the individual.

In the first sense, religious experience means an encounter with the divine in a way analogous to encounters with other persons and things in the world. In the second case, reference is made not to an encounter with a divine being but rather to the apprehension of a quality of holiness or rightness in reality or to the fact that all experience can be viewed in relation to the ground from which it springs. In short, religious experience means both special experience of the divine or ultimate and the viewing of any experience as pointing to the divine or ultimate.

Study and evaluation

“Religious experience” was not widely used as a technical term prior to the publication of The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) by William James, an eminent American psychologist and philosopher, but the interpretation of religious concepts and doctrines in terms of individual experience reaches back at least to 16th-century Spanish mystics and to the age of the Protestant reformers. A special emphasis on the importance of experience in religion is found in the works of such thinkers as Jonathan Edwards, Friedrich Schleiermacher, and Rudolf Otto. Basic to the experiential approach is the belief that it allows for a firsthand understanding of religion as an actual force in human life, in contrast with religion taken either as church membership or as belief in authoritative doctrines. The attempt to interpret such concepts as God, faith, conversion, sin, salvation, and worship through personal experience and its expressions opened up a wealth of material for the investigation of religion by psychologists, historians, anthropologists, and sociologists as well as by theologians and philosophers. A focus on religious experience is especially important for phenomenologists (thinkers who seek the basic structures of human consciousness) and existentialist philosophers (see phenomenology of religion).

A number of controversial issues have emerged from these studies, involving not only different conceptions of the nature and structure of religious experience but also different views of the manner in which it is to be evaluated and the sort of evaluation possible from the standpoint of a given discipline. Four such issues are basic: (1) whether religious experience points to special experiences of the divine or whether any experience may be regarded as religious by virtue of becoming related to the divine; (2) the kinds of differentia that can serve to distinguish religion or the religious from both secular life and other forms of spirituality, such as morality and art; (3) whether religious experience can be understood and properly evaluated in terms of its origins and its psychological or sociological conditions or is sui generis, calling for interpretation in its own terms; and (4) whether religious experience has cognitive status, involving encounter with a being, beings, or a power transcending human consciousness, or is merely subjective and composed entirely of ideas and feelings that have no reference beyond themselves. The last issue, transposed in accordance with either a positivist outlook or some types of empiricism, which restrict assertible reality to the realm of sense experience, would be resolved at once by the claim that the problem cannot be meaningfully discussed, since key terms, such as “God” and “power,” are strictly meaningless.

Proponents of mysticism, such as Rudolf Otto, Rufus Jones, and W.T. Stace, maintained the validity of immediate experience of the divine, and theologians such as Emil Brunner stressed the self-authenticating character of the human being’s encounter with God. Naturalistically oriented psychologists, such as Sigmund Freud and J.H. Leuba, rejected such claims and explained religion in psychological and genetic terms as a projection of human wishes and desires. Philosophers such as William James, Josiah Royce, William E. Hocking, and Wilbur M. Urban represented an idealist tradition in interpreting religion, stressing the concepts of purpose, value, and meaning as essential for understanding the nature of God. Naturalist philosophers, of whom John Dewey was typical, have focused on the “religious” as a quality of experience and an attitude toward life that is more expressive of the human spirit than of any supernatural reality. The theologians Douglas Clyde Macintosh and Henry Nelson Wieman sought to build an “empirical theology” on the basis of religious experience understood as involving a direct perception of God. Unlike Macintosh, Wieman held that such a perception is sensory in character. Personalist philosophers, such as Edgar S. Brightman and Peter Bertocci, have regarded the person as the basic category for understanding all experience and have interpreted religious experience as the medium through which God is apprehended as the cosmic person. Existential thinkers, such as Søren Kierkegaard, Gabriel Marcel, and Paul Tillich, have seen God manifested in experience in the form of a power that overcomes estrangement and enables human beings to fulfill themselves as integrated personalities. Process philosophers, such as Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne, have held that the idea of God emerges in religious experience but that the nature and reality of God are problems calling for logical argument and metaphysical interpretation, in which emphasis falls on the relation between God and the world being realized in a temporal process. Logical empiricists (also called logical positivists), of whom A.J. Ayer was typical, have held that religious and theological expressions are without literal significance, because there is no way in which they can be either justified or falsified (refuted). On this view, religious experience is entirely emotive, lacking all cognitive value. Analytic philosophers following the lead of Ludwig Wittgenstein, an Austrian British thinker, approach religious experience through the structure of religious language, attempting to discover exactly how this language functions within the community of believers who use it.
