sabbatical millennium


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eschatology and millennialism

  • Vision of the New Jerusalem
    In millennialism: Early Christian millennialism

    …the idea of a “sabbatical” millennium. Combining Genesis 1 (six days of travail, then one of sabbath, or rest) with Psalm 90 (1,000 years equals a day in the sight of the Lord), this concept promised the advent of the 1,000-year kingdom after 6,000 years. About ad 200 the…

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  • Last Judgment tympanum
    In eschatology: The early church

    …version of millennialism, the “sabbatical millennium,” emerged. This argument, recorded about ad 110 in the Epistle of Barnabas, held that because God had created the world in six days and rested on the seventh (Genesis 1) and because 1,000 years is a day in God’s sight (Psalm 89/90), the…

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  • Last Judgment tympanum
    In eschatology: The views of Augustine

    The new chronology of the sabbatical millennium, am II permitted Christians to refer to the calendar without being constantly reminded of the approaching year 6000. This new chronology also offered the same repudiation of apocalyptic fervour that am I had some two centuries earlier. Thus, Augustine could use it to…

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